🌺Paradise in Space💎

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An enormous pair blue and a light pink Palanquins landed on earth looking a flower ridden and broken down pink Palanquin. A sacred site of rest, of lose of a loved one.

A giant blue hooded being kneeled in front of fallen Palanquin alongside a famaliar looking young diamond as they both wept, their pearls not from behind them. Blue and Lavender Pearl looked at each other while kneeling down next to their diamonds.

Blue: "Oh, Pink. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should have done more. Yellow says it'll all be over soon. I wonder what you would think of all of this, of your daughter. Y/n has grown into a beautiful diamond in your place, White doesn't like it when we use the name you gave your daughter when she was created but Yellow and I still call her it." She said while softly crying as Rose Pink Diamond leaned against her gently. "This is your planet now, Y/n. What do you think?" She questioned

Y/n: "I wish that the war never happened and that mother was still here with us." She said while her aunt's tears slide down her face along with her own. "I wanted a colony even if I got a failed one. It reminds me of mother, but at least when this planet is gone so will a memory of the traitor Rose Quartz." She said honestly as she looked aside seeing Blue and Lavender Pearl walk towards some bushes. "Pearl, Lavy what are you doing over there?"

Lavender Pearl: "We thought we heard someone, my diamond princess." He said before pulling out his fans from his gem to protect Blue Pearl as blades came out of the fabric once he saw a human in front of them.

Greg: "Hey! Nice day out, huh? Whoa, you can put your blade fans away I'm not going hurt any of you." He said honestly while nervous from the blades pointed directly at him.

Blue Diamond: "Pearl?" She asked while Lavender Pearl put away his blade fans as Blue Pearl saluted her and bowed saying that they had found a native. "Bring it here." She said while the Pearls escorted Greg to their diamonds. "How curious, I'm impressed by humanity's ability to survive in the wild. What a strange planet." She said while the rose pink diamond spoke up this time.

Y/n: "Strange in yet wonderful, but so fragile. You survive while a powerful diamond like my mother perishes." She said as the human looked at the two in understanding. "This is were I witnessed it, where my mother was shattered before my very eyes." She said as tears slide done her cheeks.

Greg: "Were you two close?" He asked while Blue answered very and Rose Pink nodded. "Oh, I'm awfully sorry. I know how hard it is to move on when you've lost someone." He said while the eldest and youngest diamonds looked over at him. "I lost someone very important to me, too. I miss her every single day, and I think about her all the time. But she's never coming back, she always told me of wanting to have a daughter like you, miss." He said towards Y/n whom looked at him with sad yet shining eyes. "That feeling can be so hard to be okay with." He said

Y/n: "You understand our feelings. He understands our feelings, Aunt Blue." She said while standing up as she towered over Greg and the pearls. "The geo-weapon would cause harm to a human like him. Can you help me save this part of mother's legacy?" She asked her aunt.

Blue: "I'm glad we came back one last time, and of course little shimmer." She said while grabbing hold of Greg then she summons her ship with a wave of her arm as Y/n summons hers by holding her hands near her temples as her tiara ship floated above Blue's ship.

The duo of Palanquins float towards their diamonds and they entered them alongside their pearls as Blue went into her ship so did the young diamond not knowing that someone had seen them.

Y/n: "Lavy, set a course for the zoo and have Lp, Hottie, Pinkett and Spinel met us there." She said while Lavender Pearl nodded gently.

Lavender: "Yes, my princess." He said while messaging his fellow pearls and Spinel to go to the human zoo.

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