🌺Faith in Rose Pink Diamond💎

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A pink colored ship in a shape of a tiara landed on the dark side of the moon near a massive spire then the hatch opened up to reveal five gems. Four different colors of Pearls and a Pink Rose Diamond, the gems walked into the spire base and up many steps passing murals of five massive gems.

The diamond stopped at the deck and began looking throughout the old files before setting her sights onto the planet in the window view: Earth.

Her mother's failed colony, it was hers now but she did nothing to it but was always watching the activity of the planet. Including these remaining yet lost in corruption gems which made her weep for them, the war took so much from years ago. New and old gems even it half were traitors it still pained her that they were sick, hurt or worse.

The young diamond walked away from the desk and into a lower room with her pearls that held a giant geode orb before kneeling down by it.

Rose Pink: "Lp, Lavy, Rosie, Pinkett show me this beach city that Lapis Lazuli told me of." She asked kindly as the pearls did as she asked to see the ship that she had gifted Peridot for the mission was destroyed on the beach, a pink feline animal, three traitors, a human and then Jasper with Lapis dancing then glowed together. Her eyes widened drastically in disbelief seeing this new gem creation, this Malachite colored being chained up then dragged into the ocean.

The diamond gasped softly seeing that her bodyguard, her sparring partner, her friend was gone. The four pearls looked over at their diamond and hugged her tightly as her body shook in sadness while tears fall down her face and onto her pearls.

Rose Pink: "J-Jasper... My Jasper..." She cried out til her eyes narrowed. "Find Peridot, Lp and Lavy. I'm trusting you two with this mission only fight when needed and you two have my permission to fuse to do so." She commanded before they headed out to the ship outside on the moon's craters.

Light Pink & Lavender Pearl: They salute their diamond and bowed. "Yes, our diamond princess." They said together and boarded a gem shaped vehicle on the tiara ship then flew towards earth and began tracking down Peridot. "We won't fail you, Y/n." They vowed once the gem shaped ship landed in the prime kindergarten. They two pearls began looking for weeks but could not find anything of input before heading farther out onto earth til they made it to this beach city.

At the Human Zoo

The young diamond looked over her files anxious to hear word from her pearls on their mission when Spinel suddenly tackle hugged her onto her pillow throne

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The young diamond looked over her files anxious to hear word from her pearls on their mission when Spinel suddenly tackle hugged her onto her pillow throne.

Spinel: "Aw, don't be sad N/n. Let's go play with your human pets. That will make you feel better." She said as the young diamond smiled at her excitedly before walking out of the her command station throne room and entered the zoo grounds.

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