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After a few hours we heard the front door open and I look over and bolted upstairs and I lock myself in my room.

I sat in-front of my bed and I just picked at my nails.

I was picking at my nails when the door opens and I quickly got up and put my body by the wall.

I seen the man come in.

Andre: Hello.

Emilia: Hi . . 

Andre: Everyone left.

Emilia: Okay.

Andre: Would you like to have dinner with me?

Emilia: Depends what is it.

Andre: Food i'm going to make here.

Emilia: That doesn't answer my question.

Andre: Partly it does. Just come downstairs with me and we will find something you would like.

Emilia: Fine, But do not touch me.

Andre: Okay!

I walk out of the room and he follows behind me.

We walk into the kitchen and I open the fridge.

He stands behind me.

Andre: What would you like.

Emilia: I want pizza rolls.

Andre: We don't have pizza rolls.

Emilia: Well thats what I want.

Andre: Fine, Lets go to the store.

Emilia: Fine.

Andre: And do not run away.

Emilia: I'll think about it.

I slip on some heels.

We walk out of the house and he had like 6 cars!

We got into the fast one. The Lamborghini.

He opened my car door and I got in and he closed the door.

He got into the driver side.

We buckled up and he pulled out.

He went really fast.

We went to a public store and we went inside.

Andre held onto my arm.

We got want we needed .

Emilia: Do you have tampons or pads at your house?

Andre: No.

Emilia: We are going to buy some.

Andre: Okay. But tomorrow the girls are going to take you shopping!

Emilia: Okay.


My birthday is in a week.

Me and Andre have come closer together. He hasn't tried to hurt me. He actually seems to be very sweet.

He gave me a lot of Christmas gifts when Christmas came up. I got him a few stuff but not really big stuff. He got me makeup, Hair stuff new shoes, cute new pj's, Stuff to do my nails and jewelry like really expensive jewelry.

We where sitting on the couch.

Andre: Hey Emilia, I have a mafia ball to go to. It's like every year. Do you want to go with me?

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