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I walk into a quiet room with Emilia asleep with an IV in her arm and a heart monitor on her finger.

And a baby in a glass crib right next to my wife.

She was so beautiful. She was sleeping.

I walked over to Emilia and I kissed her head and I went over to the couch and I fell asleep

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I walked over to Emilia and I kissed her head and I went over to the couch and I fell asleep. I was so excited to wake up and hold my baby.

Her birthday is May 7th.

I woke up around 8 in the morning to Emilia grabbing the baby as the baby cried.

I turned over and I seen Emilia breast feeding our baby.

Emilia: Good morning!

I quickly got up and I sat on the bed with Emilia.

Andre: Are you okay?

Emilia: Never better. But what happened? The baby was due next month?

Andre: Natalie broke into the house and tried to kill you and the baby. But luckily I got you here in time and the delivered the baby, but you had some fatale wounds. But you're okay. But we are going to be in the hospital for a few weeks.

Emilia: Oh my god.

Andre: You're okay, though.

Emilia: Okay good. But I had a C-Section? Will I ever be able to give birth naturally?

Andre: I don't know? We will see in the future.

Emilia: But I know a name. I want to name her?

Andre: What is it?

Emilia: Talia Skye Guido.

Andre: I love it.

Emilia: So we can name her Talia?

Andre: Yes, Yes we can. I love it.

She smiles. I love her so much.


We took Talia home. I was really scared to be home so I asked if we could move. Andre gladly said yes. Andre doesn't leave me home alone anymore. Every-time I leave the house with Talia. I always have body guards. Natalie got arrested and she has been in jail for a good three months now.

Talia is two months old. We where in the hospital for about a month.

I was so happy to come home.

Everyone adores Talia. Even though she is a girl they all love her with all their hearts. Even Jaxson and Ryland love Talia.

But Andre's father isn't a big fan of Talia.

Andre and his father got into a huge argument.


Andre: Dad. Me and Emilia had a girl. Our baby is a girl.

Dante: No. No, non lo è. Deve essere un ragazzo. (English- No. No it isn't. It has to be a boy.)

Andre: Well she isn't. And she isn't an IT. She is a she.

Dante: Abbiamo bisogno di un ragazzo per portare avanti il ​​nostro cognome. Per mantenere Guido, VIVO.
(English- We need a boy to carry on our family name. To keep Guido, ALIVE.)

Andre: You have what three other BOYS to have boys to carry on the family name. Me and my wife had a daughter, and her name is Talia. Talia Skye Guido, and I love her with all of my heart. I don't care if you disown me or my wife or my child but me and my family will never not be apart of this family. And your wife loves her grandchild. Mom adores Talia. She even said she was happy to have a granddaughter in the family.

Dante: Non sono arrabbiato con te. Sono arrabbiato con tua moglie. Lei è la persona che è cresciuta una FEMMINA nel suo corpo. È una delusione per la nostra famiglia. Divorzierai con lei e ti sposerai con Natalie. Emilia e suo figlio non vedranno MAI MAI QUESTA FAMIGLIA. NON È PIÙ PARTE DELLA famiglia Guido.

(English- I'm not upset at you. I'm upset at your wife. She is the person that grew a FEMALE in her body. She is a disappointment to our family. You will get a divorce to her and get married to Natalie. Emilia and her child will never EVER SEE THIS FAMILY. SHE IS NO LONGER APART OF THE Guido family. )

Andre: YOU KNOW MEN CARRY THE GENDER OF THE BABY, right? AND NATALIE TRIED TO KILL EMILIA AND TALIA? I'm not getting a divorce to my wife. I love my wife. So fuck you Dante.

I flick him off and I walk out of his house. I drive home.

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