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We walked inside the room. Andre throws the bags down on the ground and cracks the door.

He starts to slowly unbutton his shirt and blazer.

I turn around and he was shirtless and starting to unbutton his pants.

Emilia: Andre can you unzip my dress?

Andre: Yes, Mi amore.

I turn around and I lift my hair up and he un zips my dress. The dress falls off my body revealing the white lingerie I put on underneath my dress.

Andre: What is this?

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Andre: What is this?

Emilia: Bra and underwear.

Andre: No, It's lingerie.

Emilia: Whatever you say?

I try to walk into the bathroom but Andre stops me.

Andre kisses me and I kiss back. He slips off my underwear and he leads me onto the bed.

Andre: Do you want to?

Emilia: Yes. Yes I do!

Andre: Do we need a condom?

Emilia: No.

Andre: Kids?

Emilia: Kids.

He smiles and we get into it.

Powerful, Very very powerful.

He was determined.

I was very loud when we where doing it.

It hurt but it was my first time. So it was going to hurt a little. But it was amazing.

We did it in the bedroom, living-room, steps, kitchen, outside and we where finally in the shower doing it.

We both reached out limits and we both ended up on the ground. We where tired.

I brushed my hair out of my face and I sat next to him.

Andre: You should go to bed, it's late.

Emilia: Okay.

I give Andre a kiss goodnight.

I walk out of the bathroom and I dry off and I go lay in bed. Nakey.

I curl up and I fall asleep.

I was really tired.

I woke up a few hours later. It was about 4 am. The sun was about to go up. Andre was asleep next to me.

I crawled out of bed and I walked out onto the balcony.

I rested my arms on the rail and I watched the ocean.

I was naked but nobody was around. It was a private beach.

I hold onto my stomach. What if I am pregnant?

I mean we just tried for a baby, and the Christmas party is in December. Everyone is invited to that. I would 6 months pregnant.

But we will see. I look back into the room and I see Andre rolling around on the bed trying to get comfortable.

***SKIP 2 months***

I've missed my period. I haven't gotten it since our honeymoon, and we've had a lot of sex these past two months.

I drove to the store. I needed to buy a pregnancy test. But I can't let people see me!

I grab a mask and a hat and I put them on.

I grab my wallet and I walk inside the store.

Register lady: Hello.

Emilia: Hi.

I walk to the woman's care section and I grab a pregnancy test. I grab two just incase.

I walk to the register and I pay for the pregnancy tests. 22 dollars and 34 cents.

Fuck, thats expensive!

I took the bag and I left in a rush.

I headed back home.

Andre was at a meeting so I definitely had time to take the tests.

I went to the bathroom and I took the tests.

I waited 5 minutes.

Holy fucky fuck I'm scared!

I flip over the test and they both came out.

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