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André starts driving.

André: Happy Birthday, Emilia.

Emilia: Thank you.

André: I got you a gift.

He opens the glove compartment and pulls out a box.

It was an iphone box.

He hands it to me.

André: It's all set up and you can change the password but its 7324. You have all of my brothers numbers and my mom's and the girls.

Emilia: Okay!

I unlock it and well it's an iphone. I like it. It's an iphone 12 pro max.

I smile and I put it in my little bag.

It's fun being an adult, and doing adult things.

André: Okay so this place we are going to. Do not take any photos of anyone and don't post anyone!

Emilia: Okay!

We pulled up to the ball and André helped me out of the car. I still hated André for kidnapping me but I also care for him.

He lead me into the building.

??: Name?

André: André Guido.

??: Alright and she?

André: My plus one, Emilia.

??: Okay. Have fun. Oh and guns or any weapons in here.

André rolls his eyes and puts his gun and pocket knife in the bin.

??: You to.

André she doesn't have anything on her.

??: Okay. Walk through the metal detector and then go ahead in.

We walk through the metal detector and we head inside. We meet up with everyone.

We find a seat.

I sit next to André and Skyler.

Blah blah blah. We danced and had fun.

We headed home and I went up to my room.

I wanted to go swim so I put on my bathing suit

I wanted to go swim so I put on my bathing suit

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I tie my hair up and I walk downstairs. Andre was nowhere to be seen.

I walked outside to the backyard and I got into the hot tub.

I swam around in the hot tub.

I leaned back and I closed my eyes.

I heard walking.

I opened my eyes and André was getting in the water.

Emilia: Hi.

Andre: Hello.

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