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I'm now 8 months pregnant. We still do not know the baby's gender.

(A/N- Okii I know the way i'm spelling "Baby's" is wrong. I'm doing that because babies is more than one. Emilia is only pregnant with one baby, not two or more. So i'm using baby's. As ONE!)

Andre was at his dad's house because something happened and I wanted to stay home. So he left.

I was in my jammies and I was walking around the house.

I was standing in the kitchen when I heard something drop

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I was standing in the kitchen when I heard something drop.

I turn around and I seen Natalie.

Emilia: Natalie? How did you get into my house?

Natalie: I'm pretty sure you can figure out why i'm here hoe.

Natalie was holding a knife.

I was around the counter and she was on the other side of the counter.

Emilia: Why are you here, Natalie? I didn't do anything!

Natalie: Yes you did you did absolutely everything for me to hate you!

I pressed the secret alarm that was under the counter. It called Andre and the police.

Emilia: Natalie, What did I do to make you "Hate me"?

Natalie: Well first, You stole the man that I should've married! And second you're pregnant with my baby. I was supposed to marry Andre. He is and was supposed to my husband. Not yours. So I'm going to kill you and that freaking baby!

Natalie runs around the counter and pushes me to the ground. I screamed as loud as I could!

She calls in two other huge ass men and the hold me down.

Natalie starts to cut my stomach open.

I scream with all the power I had.

I hear the door swing open and Andre screams.

Andre: EMILIA?

I scream louder because she is trying to cut my baby out of me.

Andre and his brothers run in and hold out there guns.

Andre: Natalie, let my wife go!

Natalie stops cutting me for a second and she looks at Andre.

Natalie: It wasn't me. She made me.

Emilia: why would I make you cut MY CHILD OUT OF ME! The baby isn't even due till next month.

Andre: Get your men off of my wife or I will shoot all three of you.

Natalie: Boys get off of her. Oh but, one more thing.

She stabs into my leg. I scream.

Blood was everywhere. My eyes started to close. I hear a lot of gunshots.

I blacked out. Was I going to die before my baby was born?


Me and my brothers shot Natalie and her men and they fell to the ground. Emilia wasn't awake.

I run over to her as my brothers grabbed Natalie and her men.

Andre: Emilia. Baby, Babe wake up please!

I cried out.

I picked up Emilia.

Andre: I'm taking her to the hospital. Make sure they don't go anywhere.

I ran out of the house and to my most fast car and I put my wife in the car. She was bleeding. The baby wasn't falling out.

I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could. I got there and I ran with Emilia in my arms.


Doctors and Nurses run over with a bed.

I set her on the bed and the nurses and doctors leave.

I watch as they take my almost dead wife away from me. I never got a kiss goodbye.

I put my arms over my head. I was covered in Emilia's blood.

Andre: I love you.

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