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Positive. I mean I was scared but also excited. I was partly freaking out! I'm scared. What if it isn't a boy?

It's supposed to be a boy! I mean all of the girls have had boys so far? Why wouldn't I have a boy?

I don't want Andre's father to disowned him and me, and the baby!

(English- I'M HOME!)

He's home, fuck!

I quickly hide the tests and the box's.

I run to our room and I hide them in the side drawer on my side of the bed.

Andre walks upstairs and into the room.

Andre: Hello, my love.

Emilia: Hello, Andre!

Andre: I'm going out for drinks tonight with everyone. Do you want to go?

I can't drink while i'm pregnant! It will hurt the baby.

Emilia: No i'm sorry, i've been feeling a bit under the weather.

Andre: Oh, what's wrong?

Emilia: Nothing, Just feeling a bit sick. But i'm okay!

Andre: Are you pregnant?

Emilia: What , No . . .

Andre: I can tell when you're lying. What are you hiding?

Emilia: Nothing!

Andre: Come on tell me!

Emilia: I'm not hiding anything !

Andre: Hey we got married. You can't keep secrets from me! I don't keep secrets from you!

Emilia: Fine, I'm pregnant! I found out today. The tests are in that drawer!

Andre looks like he died for a second.

He walks over to the drawer and he grabs out two tests. That both had two lines that meant positive.

Andre: You're pregnant. I'm going to be a dad!

Emilia: And i'm going to be a mom.

Andre smiles and he walks up to me and picks me up and hugs me.

Andre: We are going to be amazing parents! And it doesn't matter what the babies gender is as-long as it's healthy! I love you!

Emilia: I love you too!

He kisses me!


We don't know the gender of the baby but i'm six months pregnant. The mafia ball is coming up. It's in two days. I'm getting a costume made dress for me and my belly.

The dress is done now. We are actually going to pick it up.

We got the dress. It was exactly how I dreamed of it to be!


I was getting ready for the ball.

I got my makeup and hair down I was just getting my Jewelry on.

I had my wedding ring on I never take it off.

I also got my nails touched up.

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