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I finished getting ready and I walked out of the room with the girls.

I seen Andre.

I walked over and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

Andre: You ready?

Emilia: Yes.

Just so you know, i'm still a virgin. I wanted to wait till after i'm engaged to have sex.

We walked out of the house and Andre helped me in the car.


We where having dinner.

Andre: Emilia, I have a question?

Emilia: Whats up?

Andre reaches in his pocket and pulls out a box.

He opens it and sets it on the table

Andre: Will you marry me?

My heart fell to my butt.

Andre: And i'm not asking you to marry me just so I can get my fortune

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Andre: And i'm not asking you to marry me just so I can get my fortune. I'm asking you to marry me because you're a good soul, you love and you care about anything and everyone. I fell in love with you every day since I met you. So please become my wife, and we can start a family together when you're ready. I'm always ready to start anything with you! So will you marry me?

Emilia: Yes!

Andre: Really?

Emilia: Yes!

He smiles, I've never seen him smile this much.

He leans over the table and kisses me.

I promised myself I would never fall in love with him but I failed that promise. I broke it. But I don't really care!

He grabs the ring and puts it on my finger.

We where at a private event so only members of the restaurant where aloud to come inside.

After we ate we left I got into the car and I kept looking at my ring.

Andre: You like it?

Emilia: Yes!

I smile.

We head back to our house. Yes I said our.

We pull up to the house. It was about 11:30 at night.

We walk inside and I slip off my shoes.

I throw my heels over to the floor.

Emilia: I'm going to go shower and wash off this makeup.

Andre: Okay.

I kiss his cheek and I walk upstairs.

I walk into our room and I walk into the bathroom.

I take off my clothes and I climb into the shower.

I let the water rush down my body.

I wasn't facing the door.

I heard a bottle fall.

I turn around.

It was Andre? He was undressing?

Emilia: What are you doing?

Andre: Taking a shower, with my fiancé.

Emilia: Oh okay! But i'm naked . . .

Andre: I've seen you naked?

Emilia: But we are in the shower?

Andre: I've seen you shower too.

Emilia: Right.

Andre: Do you want me to leave?

He starts walking away.

Andre: No! Don't leave.

I grab his arm.

He stayed in the shower with me.

We washed up.

We made out a little bit almost had sex together but I quickly stopped it.

I dried off and I found some underwear.

I slipped it on and I crawled into bed shirtless and without a bra.

Andre laid next to me.

I laid on him.

Andre: Goodnight future Ms. Guido.

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