Chapter 3 - After School

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After classes ended, Changbin quickly packed his items and walked out class fast. "Woah woah! Where do you think you are going Bin?" Chan said in a teacher tone voice tapping his foot loudly. "I- I ummm" Changbin said trying to think of a good excuse to leave early. Today he wanted to be early to see the boy at the cafe. "I- I have go feed my... goldfish. YEAH, GOLDFISH I'LL SEE YOU GUYS' TOMORROW!!" he yelled running down the hallway into the freezing cold outdoor. Both males stood there in confusion looking at each other. "He has a goldfish?" Jisung asked Chan lifting on his eyebrow. "Don't ask me I don't know what he has." The older male responded shaking his head.


Changbin POV

"Goldfish!" That all I could think of GOLDFISH! Damn I'm in so much trouble when they see me tomorrow, they know I don't have a goldfish- I don't think they do. Why didn't just say a dog or something. I ran to the cafe not stopping because I didn't want to miss my change of not seeing that beautiful boy today. When I saw the same light that belonged to the cafe and the same gorgeous specimen standing inside cleaning a drink coffee cup. I came into the cafe panting and sweating, he looked at me and lightly tilted his head. "Are you okay sir?" he asked. I looked up and him and signaled him that I was fine. "Oh, it's you again hello" he said smiling brightly at me and waving. Smiled back at him and took a sit at the same seat as yesterday. "One-" I was cut off by him saying "Ice americano." he said getting the coffee and ice out. "I'm guessing you already memorized my order." I said grinning at him. He nodded and gave me my coffee. "So... I never got your name yesterday, what is it and where are you from?" I asked after taking a long slip of my delicious cold coffee. "My name is Lee Yongbok but I get called Felix and I'm from Sydney, Australia." he said leaning over the counter next to me "And what's your name?" he asked looking at me smiling. "My name is Seo Changbin and I'm for here" I said rubbing the back of my neck smiling widely flashing my pretty white teeth.


We ended up talking a lot longer than I excepted to. I felt like I already knew everything him and it just met him. Me and him left around 7, we wave goodbye to each other and walked away from each other. "..... AHHHHHH I GOT HIS NUMBER!" I yelled in complete excitement and happiness. Before we walked out the cafe door, he took my phone from me and put his number in. "Call me when you get home so I can know you got there safely and didn't get kidnapped." he said pasting me phone back to me. "Why would anyone kidnap me? If anyone did, I promise you they would get so annoyed with me they would send me right back." I asked laughing at my responds. He giggled softly at it and walked past me. "Bye Changbin." he said gently and waved at me. I waved back and walked home. When I got home, I immediately texted his number to tell I was home. I sat on the couch for a respond from him quietly and replayed the whole visit and talk we had together over and over again in my head until my phone dinged. "I'm home too :)"  it said, I caught myself smiling extra hard at the small text. I texted back that I was glad he got home safely and didn't get taken by aliens, Me and him texted for no longer than 3 hours until he said he had to go to sleep because he had school tomorrow. I told him that I had school tomorrow as well and how I told my friends that it had to feed my so call "goldfish".  We texted until we both drifted off to sleep. 

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