Chapter 7 - Celebration

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Felix's POV

Today, was a special day. Me and Changbin have been dating for 7 whole months now, he treats me so well and I'm so happy to call him my boyfriend. Especially when people come up to him trying to flirt with him. I love him so so so much, I even quit working at the coffee shop and moved in with him because he said he would take very good care of me and that I should just stay relax and not put too much pressure on myself. Today was a special day for Binbin because today he would be graduating from his music college with his two good friends, Chan and Jisung. I'm so proud of my baby boy- even though his older than me. I'm just so happy for him, he always makes me so proud like a mother when her child takes their first steps or says their first word. 


"Hey baby is something wrong?" I felt a pair of strong muscular arms go around my waist and back hug me tightly, I smiled and turned down the rice I was cooking on the stove. "I'm okay handsome just thinking about a few things." I said turning around and wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. "Thinking about what?" He asked softening his grasped around me and tilted his head to the side. I ruffled his hair messing it up and flashed him a sweet smile before giving him a long passionate kiss. He kissed back and carressed my hips with his thumbs. We pulled away from each other slowly and connected our foreheads together. "I love you." he said moving his hands from my hips to my cheeks rubbing his thumbs over my freckles and kissing them. I giggled and jumped to the loud kettle go off meaning that the hot water for the tea was ready to be poured into cups. "Making me something extra yummy for breakfast my love?" Changbin asked as he buried his nose into the crook of my neck as I poured the hot water into the two teacups. "Yes, I am handsome." I said shivering from the way Changbin was breathing down my neck and inhaling my scent. I look over to the clock on the stove and gasped. "Babe you have only an hour and 10 minutes to get ready for graduation!" I said making Changbin jump and gasped as well. "Okay I'll go get ready! You keep cooking then come to the room when you're done so we can get you ready to!" He said running to the room and slamming the door. I laughed hard at his silliness and quickly finished cooking so that I was able to hurry and eat then get ready for my sweet handsome boy's graduation. 


I looked through the crowd of people surrounding to see if I could find my friends. I walked around a like a lost puppy until I heard someone shouting my name from the distance. "Lee Felix! Over here mate!" the tall boy yelled and waved his hand around in the air to get my attention. It was Seungmin, yes, he called me 'mate'. We call him a fake aussie because he done picked up the aussie accent from me and Chan hyung. I ran over to them and gave them all a quickly tight hug. "So, are you ready to see your future husband walk across the stage?" Minho teased and nudged my arm lightly. I blushed and hushed him as we looked for the seats the boys reserved for us because they wanted to make sure it was easy for us to see them. We sat there talking about lame random stuff until we heard the microphone being tapped. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the graduation of the class of music! I want to thank everyone for coming out today to support these students who have worked hard and long over the past couple of days to weeks to months to years! I want to say I was grateful to be one of the teachers that helped and guided these students through the waves of the sound of music!" The teacher continued to talk until she said something that shocked the four of us sitting in the crowd of many people. "Today I have three of my students willing to perform one of their songs they have worked so hard on after everyone has crossed the stage! Their names are Seo Changbin, Christopher Bang Chan, and Han Jisung! Anyways everyone enjoy your time here and tell these students how proud y'all are of them." the teacher said before bowing and exiting the stage. Everyone crossed the stage, bowing and taking their music diplomas. "Christopher Bang Chan!" the principal said, Chan got up from his seat and walked up to the stage. "AHHHH YESSSSS CHANNN HYUNG!" Seungmin yelled having us all laughing at how happy and excited he was when Chan's name being called. "Han Jisung!" the principal said, Jisung got up from his seat like Chan did and walked up to the stage. "HANNNNN, I LOVE YOU!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!" Minho yelled making Jisung look that way, even from where we were sitting you could see the red tinted blush creeping up his face. I pulled out my phone and began recording having a feeling that Binnie was the last one to be called. "Seo Changbin!" the principal said, Changbin got up from his seat like and walked up to the stage. I screamed and squealed about how happy and proud I was from him, I stood on my seat and yelled at the top of my lungs. "CHANGBIN BABY I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH!! I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW PROUD I AM OF YOU TODAY!!" I yelled loudly and sat down. I looked up at the boy who was on stage smiling brightly and blushing a whole lot, from where I was seating, he kind of looked like a good red tomato ready to be pick. The teacher come back onto the stage clapping and smiling, she walked up to the microphone and announced that they were finally completed with the class of music and that she hoped they will go far with their careers in the music industry. "Now, it's time for the special performance from 3RACHA!!" everyone shouted and cheered as the teacher walked off the stage and the stage began to change colors. The lights shined down on the figured sitting on a couch. Then magic happened, Chan began to sing and Jisung started to rap then what I can't even put into words at the moment because I'm still fangirling and in utterly shock Changbin started rapping like a mad man. Funny thing I actually knew Changbin could rap and write music but God damn not this fast and deep. After the performance they bowed and left the stage leaving the principle to dismiss the graduation and allowing everyone to visit the people that have just graduated. When I saw Changbin sitting in a chair talking to Chan and Jisung, I immediately ran as fast as I could to him and jumped on him giving him the tightest hug, I have ever given anyone in my life. "Omg! Changbin that was soooo amazing and incredible! How do you rap so fast?! How didn't you run out of any breath up there?!" I asked bouncing on his lap out of excitement and wondered. He smiled and laughed while rubbing my hips slowly. "You think I did that well baby boy?" he asked kissing my cheek and flashing a sweet large smile. I nodded eagerly and kissed him a little harshly. He smiled in the kiss and kissed back wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. "Ewww." Hyunjin said dramatically pretended to put his finger down his throat and throw up. I pulled away and looked at him and gave him a death glare. He stuck his tongue out at me and I jumped off Changbin's lap, all the boys giggled and laughed as Hyunjin ran be hide his boyfriend trying to hide as I chased him around. "Hey why don't we go celebrate at my apartment it's pretty big and will fit everyone." Chan suggested and everyone nodded their heads. So, we headed off the Chan's place after everyone when home and changed their close to something more comfortable and less nice looking. 


As me and Changbin arrived at Chan's apartment we joined the other boys sitting at the table taking shots on alcohol beverages. "Hello Changlix~!" Minho slurred out as he took another slip of his drink. The moment I saw the alcohol I felt unsafe and uncomfortable staying there, I began to shake as I saw Changbin greeting everyone and Chan handing him a beverage from off the table. I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see him take it as it felt like it would trigger me and bring me back horrible and unforgettable memories. I felt tears building up in my eyes and my throat start closing as the thoughts came back slowly. Before I could walk out or cry my eyes out, I felt someone's arm go around my waist and tightly hug me, I opened my eyes slowly and looked at Changbin who was holding the drink in one hand and rubbing my hip with the other. "Hey what's wrong baby?" he asked in a soft-spoken voice where nobody could hear him. I shook my head and let tears fall down my cheeks as I looked down at the drink and started to tremble at the thoughts of Changbin getting drunk like that man that harmed me and hurt me. He looked down at the drink and looked up at me. "No no no baby this isn't alcohol see." he said lifting up the cup and showing me a clear fizzy drink that was bubbling a little. "It's just sprite my love don't worry I don't drink." he said in a reassuring tone before placing the drink on the table and pulled me into a caring hug. I wiped my tears and hugging him back tightly and hiding my red teary face into the crook of his neck. He rubbed my back and pulled away slowly before taking a sit and pulling me onto his lap. "It's okay baby don't cry I'm not like that I won't drink, and I wouldn't lay a single finger on you if I did drink." he said rocking me a little in his lap and rubbing my thigh. I smiled calmly and sniffed before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep in his lap. 

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