Chapter 4 - Dream

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Felix and Changbin have been seeing each other for a week now. Changbin did the same routine, Monday through Friday they he and Felix would go to school. After school he would lie to his friends and run to the cafe to meet up with Felix. They would talk for hours and hours over a cup of coffee, smiling and grinning at each other as small comments about each other's looks spill their lips.


"So, what will you be doing this weekend?" Felix asked looking down at his coffee cup and swirling the coffee inside. Changbin looked up at the younger male seeing a light-colored blush painted across his face, seeing him like this getting all shy and fluttered up made him smiled to himself and want to make fun of him for it. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. What about you?" He asked making eye contact with Felix and smiling largely. "I- I won't be doing anything either." He said smiling too at Changbin and looked back down at this coffee. "I was wondering if you wanted like to go out somewhere tomorrow since the shop isn't open on the weekends." Felix said playing with the straw he was drinking out of. Before he could even possibly say "If you don't want to, we don't have to." Changbin immediately shook his head yes. They both looked at the time and stood up to get ready to leave. They walked outside into the cold dark night and looked around. "Why don't just hang out all day long? You know like go get breakfast, lunch, and dinner together and speand to whole saturday together, and after we can go back to my place." Changbin suggested as he looked over at Felix who was shaking, he wasn't well dressed for the cold today and was only wearing a small hoodie that could only hold in so much warmth. The younger nodded and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow then, okay?" Changbin said patting and rubbing the cold small male. Felix nodded about and told him he would text him when he got home. They both waved at each other and parted ways.


"STOP LET ME GO PLEASE LET ME GO I WON'T DO IT AGAIN PLEASE LET ME GO!!" the boy screamed and cried loudly as he felt hands around his neck choking him. "WHY SHOULD I LET YOU GO YOU DISOBEYED ME AGAIN YOU BITCH!!!" another boy yelled as he began to punch and hit the boy he was choking. "Please... I'm sorry... just let go...." the boy try to yell as his vision slowly started to fade way. The boy woke up hanging from the basement ceiling by his arms dangling down like pinata on a little kid's birthday, the boy heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. He began wiggled around trying to escape but all he was doing is causing more pain to myself. "Ah it seems pretty boy has woken up from his little nap." the other male said as he grabbed a metal rod from the corner of the basement and walked over to the boy. "NO PLEASE I'M SORRY I WON'T TRY TO ESCAPE AGAIN!!! PLEASE DON'T HIT ME PLEASE!!" the boy cried, and he wiggled around more trying to escape again. "It too late to apologize now pretty boy." the male tossing the rod over his shoulder and swinging....

End of dream


Felix POV

The morning sunshine poured into my room as the small dust particles floated around the window looking like they were falling to the ground. I shot up in my bed and breath heavily, I wiped the sweat from my head and hugged my legs close to my chest tightly. Once again, I had those dreams again. The once I wish that would just go away and stop replaying in my dreams every night. I began to cry like I do every morning, I would cry until I was dry of tears but today was different, I heard my phone on the table ringing loudly. I looked over to see it was Changbin facetiming me, I quickly wiped away my tears and answered. "Yes Binnie?..." I asked quietly angling the phone up at the ceiling in my room. I could possibly let him see me like this, crying and emotion. "Hiiii!!! Good morning Felixxxx!!!!" He shouted through the phone smiling at it. I smiled softly at his cuteness and wiped my running red nose. "Good morning Changbin, did you sleep well?" I asked him and realized he was outside something that looked like an apartment. "I said good. Hey Felix open the door I'm cold I have been standing out here for a good 15 minutes now." He said in response. When he said that I shot up out of bed and ran to the door, I opened to see Changbin standing thing smiling at me. "How did you find where I live?! Are you stalking me or something?!" I shouted at him. He jumped back frightened by my deep loud voice. "I- I was only f- following the directions y-you sent me last night..." He said looking down turning his bright smile to a sad frown. "I'm sorry..." He bowed and moved back more. When I realized what I had done I quickly ran into his arms and hugging his shoulder muscular shoulders. "Felix..." he whispered under his breath and hugged my little torso; we stayed like that for a while I wasn't ready to let go of him but what if he thought this was weird and didn't like it. I slowly forced myself to pull away and look into Changbin's eyes, he looked down and grabbed both of my hands. His hands were so much bigger than mine, but they felt right in his, he rubbed my hands softly and looked at me. I felt a tear run down my face and quickly tore my hands away from his to wipe it away. "Felix? What's wrong? Did I hurt you? Did I make you sad? I didn't mean to make you cry I'm sorry." He said worriedly and bowed to me again. I shook my head softly and looked down, I was on an emotion roller coaster again I hadn't taken my medicines or meditated this morning. "Felix come on let's go inside it's cold and you look too sad to go out today." Changbin said leading back inside my small apartment, unfortunately I couldn't anything super luxury and big. I looked around the place and felt embarrassed, yes it was very clean and neat, but it was small and made me look a little poor in a way. Changbin closed and locked the door be hide him and sat me down on my bed gently, he looked around my place and smiled. "I like it here it feels so cozy and comfortable, also it's so clean in here that could never be me." He said petting my hair softly, I purred to the feeling and smiled a little. He laid me down in the bed and covered me with the blankets. "You look a little sick Lixie let me make you some porridge." He said feeling my face to see if I had a temperate. He quickly looked through the cabins and found all the things to make porridge and began to cook, he looked like an angel cooking. 

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