Chapter 6 - Confession

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After the day Felix told Changbin what really happened to him and how he ended up in South Korea. The two have been inseparable, Changbin has been taking Felix out on random dates on random days and they have been spending a lot of time hanging out and staying over at each other's apartments. In Changbin's head he kind of already thought of how it would be like to be a couple with Felix. The feeling of him hugging the younger tightly and making him feel protected from anything bad, the feeling of holding his hand and walking him to his school, the feeling of him cuddling the younger close to his chest and whispering sweet things to him in his ear, and the feeling of him pulling him into a long passionate kiss. Today Changbin felt something heavy on his heart that he wanted to tell Felix's about, but he was afraid that what he might tell him will change how Felix thinks and feelings about him. He sighed heavily getting his best friends Chan and Jisung attention. "What's the matter mate?" Chan asked has he hit Changbin's large back softly. "Well... Tonight I would like to tell Felix how I feel about him and stop hiding them. I have already known him for two months now, but I feel like if I tell him now, I feel like I would be rushing things too fast." he said pushing his bangs back and rubbing his temples. The two males already knew how deeply in love he was in with Felix, one night Felix texted Changbin asking about his friends and told him he would like to meet them. Changbin agreed to let him meet them if he got to meet his Felix. Felix also agreed, so they met up at a local popular restaurant in the area. Funny thing, Minho Jisung's boyfriend was a part of Felix's group of friends. Chan and Felix knew each other because they were friends when they were little kids. Chan fell head over for this one kid called Seungmin. The other two friends that were with him were Hyunjin and Jeongin, those two were already dating and must they say they are funny and cheesy. Everyone could tell by the way Changbin was treating and acting with Felix that he was madly in love with the younger. But he didn't know how to tell him without scaring him off or ruining their friendship. 


Changbin's POV

I sat there in the chair shaking my legs as I tried to think of way to tell Felix that I liked- No literally loved him. But the more I thought of it, the more nervous and anxious it made me. "Hey, don't worry we will think of something Bin." Jisung reassured me as he patted my shoulder and gave it a good squeeze. I nodded my head and continued to do my work up until school ended. 


At the end of the day my friends texted all of Felix's friends to tell them the news and they agreed to help. So, me, my friends, and Felix's friends made a group chat and put together a plan for me to tell Felix how I felt. His friends decided to take him somewhere super random so that me, Chan, and Jisung could get everything ready while was busy with them. I quickly got home to my apartment and throw on some random clothes under my big, long winter jacket and shoes. I quickly texted Felix and told him to meet me at my apartment on thne rooftop at 9:00 pm and to wear something warm and cute. Then I began at work. 


Felix's POV 

I heard my phone notification go off and quickly looked at it. I was so happy to see it was Changbinnie, I was getting tired of listening to Hyunjin and Jeongin talk about all the lovey dovey things they do. I just wished that one day I could do all those things with Changbin. I smiled at my phone and read the message he sent and jumped up. "Oh my god!!" I yelled out of excitement and because of what time it was. I was alright 7:00 pm because these dorks were forcing me to stay forever with them. I quickly bid my goodbye with them; I could see small smirks gliding across their faces, but I didn't even pay it no mind. I ran quietly to my apartment to get ready for whatever Changbin was planning. 


It was close the 9:00 pm and Changbin was finishing the last bit of what he was making. "Bin his here!"  Chan yelled quietly through the door as him and the boys when to hide somewhere in case anything bad happened. Changbin nodded and stood up straight in beside the table that was had scattered rose petals around it. Felix opened the door to the rooftop and looked down at the beautiful rose petals on the ground. He was in awe and looked up to see Changbin standing there holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Aww Binnie." He said softly as he walked towards the older. Changbin smiled and handed him the bouquet. "Here this are for you." He said blushing and looking down. "There so beautiful Changbin." Felix said as he smelled the flowers and smiled happily. "But you are more beautiful." The older said as he pulled a chair out for the younger. Felix blushed a light tinted red and sat down in the chair. Changbin sat across from him and clapped his hands. Felixs looked at Hyunjin and Chan dressed in fancy suits bring out various of different foods to them and Seungmin brought out the drinks. He poured drinks into the glasses placed on the tables and bowed to them, before leaving he winked at Changbin and went back to his hiding spot. Felix smiled at Changbin how was already chowing down the food they had brought and was making slight moaning noises because the food was so good. 


Changbin's POV

After eating Minho and Seungmin's delicious food, thank you guys by the way. I built up the courage to slide my hand across the table and grabbed Felix's. His hands were quite smaller than mine, but they were cute. He looked up at me and slowly intertwined our fingers together. I looked down at them and smiled about it, this moment will forever replay in my mind. "Changbin is there something you want to tell me?" Felix asked as he looked at me softly and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I swallowed hard and took some deep breaths in, I looked over at the boys cheering me on in complete silents and nodded. "Felix... I k-know we haven't b- been together so long... B -but I really... really lo-." I was cut off by Felix finishing my sentence. "Love you." He said as he stood up slowly. Oh my god is he leaving?! Was it too soon?! Crap you really have done it his going to leav-! My thoughts were cut off two softly pair of lips connected to mine. OH MY GOD LEE FELIX WAS KISSING ME. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his small waist, he sat on my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck making the kiss my deeper and passionate. He slowly pulled back and looked me into the eyes. His eyes were so beautiful, they sparkled like the night sky and were soft and brown like the yummy brownies he made me once. "I know you love me, but I love you so much more Changbin." he said rubbing my cheek and connecting our foreheads together. Wait he knew?! I looked at him in confusion then looked at the boys in the hiding spot. "Jisung told me." he said and giggled a little. "..... HAN JISUNGGGGGGGG!" I yelled making everyone on the rooftop laugh. Felix hugged me tightly and kisses my nose. "So will you be my boyfriend now?" I asked and looked at him pouting. "Aww of course I will Binbin." he said giving me a soft peck on the lips. They boys hiding ran out cheering and hollering making me and Felix laugh. "NOW LET'S TURN ON SOME JAMS!" Jeongin yelled and began to play loud music on his bluetooth speaker. The night ended amazingly and happily. 

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