Chapter 9 - And They Lived Happily Ever After

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1 week later... ♡♡♡

Felix woke up very early in the morning and ran to the bathroom and leaned over to the toilet. Puking over and over, he holded onto the toilet seat tightly. Changbin ran in and rubbed his back, telling him that everything was going to be okay. Felix flushed down the left-over food and drink from last night and closed the toilet lid. Changbin looked at Felix and pulled him closer to him laying his head on his chest. "Baby I'll go to the store and buy the things you need, okay?" Changbin said panickily as he slowly picked up the younger male and laying him down in their shared bed. Felix's laid in the bed letting his thoughts run through his mind about what was going on inside his body.


Felix when into the bathroom and sat in there for a good fifteen minutes. Changbin on the ither hand waited beside the door impatiently tapping his foot loudly with many thoughts flying around. "What was wrong with Felix?, Was he okay?, Was he mad at him?, Does he hate him?, Is he not pregnant?, What if he is does he not like it?, Is he not ready have a baby?" His thoughts were cut off by a happy sounding yelp coming from the bathroom. He walked in quickly and looked at Felix. "Are you okay baby? What's wrong?" Changbin ask panickily and he squat down to him, making eye contact with him. Felix smiled happily and slowly lifted up his shirt revealing a positive pregnancy laying on his stomach. He jumped up excitingly and hugged Changbin tightly. "Yayyyy!! You're going to be a father!!" He screamed and hugged Changbin tighter. Changbin hugged him tightly excited and nervous about starting a family.

7 months later... ♡♡♡

Changbin smiled softly as he entered the small apartment quietly, trying not to wake his sleeping pregnant boyfriend. He slipped a small box into his coat pocket and walked down the hall way to the their shared room. Felix was sleeping peacefully in the bed hugging a plushie. The older walked silently to the sleeping boy and planted a small gentle kiss on his forehead be slipping out of the room without making any noises. Changbin signaled his all his friends to come in and began the surprise they have been planning for a while now. Chan, Hyunjin, Minho, and Changbin set up the kitchen while Seungmin, Jisung, and Jeongin were asked to began setting up something extra special somewhere else. He told them to decorate and place all the things that he had stored away in the closet together. Felix woke up to the sound of the door of their shared room being knocked and sat up. "Yes come in." He said in a raspy low tone and rubbed his eye. Changbin entered the room and looked at the awake boy, smiling he walked over to him and gave him a tight hug. Felix hugged back tighter and kissed Binnie. "Love there is something in the closet I bought you. Can you put it on then come to the kitchen?" Changbin asked shocking the younger but then nodded. Changbin got up and left the room and when back to the kitchen so he could quickly change into this suit before Felix came. Felix got up out out bed and when to the clothes to see a beautiful red sparkly dress hanging in the closet on a hanger, Changbin knew how many times they have past the store with that dress inside of it. Felix wanted it so bad but he didn't want to spend so much of Changbin's money so he didn't ask for it. Felix sighed happily and put on the dress, it fit around his large stomach and his newly formed curves. He smiles joyfully and when to the kitchen, he was in awe when he saw many pictures hanging from the ceiling of him and Changbin. There were fairy lights around the kitchen and roses petals leading up to his lover, Changbin. "Changbin this is amazing!" He said walking to him and giving him a great big hug and a long kiss. Changbin smiled to the praise and sat Felix down to eat. After they completed eating, Changbin looked at Felix nervously and cleared his throat. "Baby, I have something to ask you." He said standing up and removing the small box out of his jacket pocket. He got down on his knee, Felix's gasped at the action and jumped up for his seat. "Felix will you make me the happiest man very and marry me?" Changbin asked and smiled up at Felix. Felix screamed out of excitement and nodded eagerly as Changbin placed the ring on his finger and kissed him roughly. "Yay!!" All the boys hiding came out shouting and cheering as they popped confetti into the air and celebrated. Changbin smiled and picked Felix up bridge style carrying him down to the car. "Where are we going?" He asked as he was lightly placed down in the passenger seat. Changbin closed the door and walked over to the drive side, he got in and smiled at Felix. "You'll see." He said as he winked and drove off.


He quickly stopped and blind folded Felix so he wasn't able to see the surprise that awaited him. Changbin parked the car and when over to Felix side of the car, slowly picking him up. He placed him down and removed the blind  fold. "Welcome to our new home." Changbin whispered into Felix's ear as his eyes widen. "Omg Changbin!" He squealed when he saw a house, it was a gorgeous modern home with a big back yard and a small front yard, big enough to have flower garden in the front and a playground and pool in the back. Felix jump up and down smiling and hugged his fiancé tightly. "Me, you, and him. This is our new home and our new beginning." He said looking at the house and hugging the love of his life.

Couples months later... ♡♡♡

"Honey can you get Changbok changed so I can make him a bottle." Felix yelled from the kitchen upstairs to the room Changbin was working on music in. Changbin paused his mucis and smiled. "Yes my love I can." He yelled back getting up for his chair and going to the crying baby's room. Changbin picked up the little boy and gave him a soft kiss on the nose. The baby boy looked up at is appa and giggles cutely making Changbin's heart flutter. He place Changbok on the changing mat and changed him into his sleep clothes then sat down in the rocking chair rocking the baby back and front. "Aww look at you two." Felix said entering the room taking the baby slowly and carefully from Changbin and sat on his lap. He placed the bottle into the half asleep Changbok's mouth and rocked him. "Changbin why don't me and you sing to him so he can have good dream." Felix suggested and smiled to his husband softly. Changbin nodded and they began to sing songs, watching their baby boy Changbok fall into a deep sleep.

♡ ...The End...♡

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