Chapter 40

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"Keeping Jacob tied up won't serve as proof it will just get us arrested for kidnapping," Eric sighed. We had dumped Jacob's unconscious body in Eric's basement. We were all currently seated in his living room discussing a plan strategy. We'd come up with absolutely nothing useful.

"Well we can't exactly let him lose and let him run back to Koslov now can we?" I asked.

"And I'm not suggesting we untie him and let him run back to Koslov," he rolled his eyes.

"Then what are you saying?" Blaire asked.

"We dump the sucker on some remote island and let him take it from there. That one island we went for dinner was nice don't you think?" Eric asked smirking. I smacked his arm.

"This is not a time for joking around, we need to come up with an idea for what to do," I sighed.

"We need a way to get Mr. Callahan these papers," Tiffany said pointing to all of the information we had compiled from the USB.

"We can-" I began but was cut short when my phone began ringing. I checked the ID, scared that it was my aunt or brother but thank fully it was neither.

"Hi Rafi, this is a bad time. I'm kind of busy. Can you call me back later?" I asked him.

"You're kinda busy??! Busy doing what? Letting everyone down? Why aren't you here?" he exclaimed.

"Raphael what are you talking about?" I asked him confused.

"The fashion show Lottie! It starts in four hours and you're not here!" he scolded me and I gasped. With everything going on, the stupid fashion show was the last thing on my mind.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes," I replied and hung up.

"Charlie we have a man to put in jail, we don't have time to go to a fashion show," Tiffany said once I explained where I was going.

"Don't you see? Going to this fashion show will help us catch Koslov," I told her but she still gave me a weird stare urging me to elaborate.

"Koslov is on the invite list under the name Kingsley. We didn't think of it much before but now that we know that Koslov is actually Kingsley we know something is going to happen tonight at the fashion show. We need to protect Mr. Callahan and catch Koslov all tonight," I said quickly.

"And how exactly are we doing that?" Eric asked me.

"I'm going to be modeling so I'll have backstage passes. So does Lavender since she technically still has her job as a secretary. The rest of you have to position yourselves near Mr. Callahan in case something happens during the show. I'll explain more but we've got to get going now," I told them and they reluctantly nodded their heads.

This plan was crazy. We were acting on instincts again and the last time I did that we ended up almost getting each other killed. Time was running out though, so we didn't really have any other choice. It was either act on this impulse or not act at all.

We all crammed into Eric's car including the still unconscious Jacob who remained tied up. I drove as quickly as I could to Linea Acardi which was still closed to the public until the actual fashion show began.

Inside everything was being put into place and as usual there was movement everywhere. Everyone was so busy that no one noticed a group of teenagers dragging a tied up teenage boy. We needed to get past the first floor and get to Fabio and the other designers.

"Eric, you and Lavender need to go up to the third floor and find a seating chart. Once you've got one meet us in my dressing room. We'll see what to do from there," I told them and they nodded their heads. They broke away from the group and headed their own way to find the third floor.

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