Pilot [Part One]

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"Woah, easy tiger," Dean said from where he was positioned above Sam, "Dean? you scared the crap out of me," Sam said, confusion filling his voice. in two years since Sam had left for college, Dean or their dad had never tried to contact him once, and now he shows up in the middle of the night? this was weird and Sam had a bad feeling about this. 

"well, that's because you're out of practice," Dean made the mistake of saying cause immediately Sam pinned him to the floor. "or not," he corrected himself. "what the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked "hey, I was looking for a beer," Dean defended, "Babe, what's going on?" a shortish man with a thick main of black hair said coming out of the bedroom, he was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, the shirt looked to be one that Dean had given Sam just before he left for college. 

"Ky, hey, uh, this is Dean, Dean, this is my uh... boyfriend, Kylen," Sam said walking over and holding Kylen a little closer than would be considered 'friendly' or 'just friends' to make Dean understand that boyfriend wasn't a term for just friends. "wait, your brother Dean?" Kylen asked, he had heard a lot about Dean had wanted to meet him for a while. Still, Sam had been more than a little reluctant. 

Sam had only let Kylen meet Bobby, but that was because Bobby was probably a literal saint, he made the trek out to California to meet Sam's boyfriend and Bobby loved Kylen, it made Sam feel great that his father figure liked the person he planned to spend the rest of his life with. and Kylen loved Bobby too. 

Dean took a step back out of shock. "ho-hold on a second... your... homosexual," Dean said, he didn't sound judgemental or disgusted or anything, he just sounded shocked well, maybe a little hurt, but Sam assumed that was because he didn't tell Dean, even though for the first 19 years of his life, he had been petrified of anyone finding out. 

"We prefer the term Gay, but yes, I am. if you don't like it, you can leave, through the door, like a normal human being," Sam said. "no, no, no, I'm just shocked," Dean said, he was happy that Sam was happy and he did look to be genually happy with Kylen, but he was also shocked because he had never noticed anything before, and he also felt terrible that he made Sam feel like he couldn't tell him. 

"so why are you really here?" Sam finally asked as Kylen's hand around Sam's waist tightened, letting Sam know that he wasn't going to be leaving his side no matter what Dean was doing there. "Dad's missing," Dean said, "Dean, Dad's always missing," Sam said, "this time's different though, I need help finding him," the older Winchester said. 

"ok, give us five minutes, we'll meet you at the car, Ky, do you want to come?" Sam asked sending his boyfriend a pleading look, even if Dean was there, he didn't want to face his father alone, Bobby did threaten to fill John Winchester full of buckshot for a reason. "of course," Kylen said, walking off to the bedroom to start packing. 

"wait, does he know?" Dean asked, not wanting someone who had no idea what was going on, on a hunting trip. the younger Winchester rolled his eyes. "of course, Ky knows, I'm not an idiot, I told him everything before we got together," Sam said. "you really like him don't you?" Dean asked, "of course I do, he's the most amazing person I ever met, now go, I need to pack, we'll meet you down at the car," Sam said walking into the bedroom. 


Kylen and Sam were in the bedroom throwing clothes into a suitcase they kept under their bed when Kylen stopped and looked at Sam, "are you sure you want me there?" he asked, "I don't mind staying home, but it scares me you going outwith Dean, alone," he added, he swore along time ago that he would do anything to make Sam happy, and he wasn't going to stop that anytime soon. 

"I don't know if we'll get back for my  Law School interview, but I need to get back into this lifestyle, I don't know why but I have to, and I want you beside me," Sam said looking at his boyfriend across the bed. "I'll always be beside you Sam, I love you," Kylen said, "I love you to Babe," Sam smiled. 

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