Wendigo [Part Four]

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"so Roy, you said you've done a little hunting?" Dean asked, walking up next to Roy. "Yeah, more than a little," Roy replied, sounding like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world, "uh huh, what kind of furry critters do you hunt?" the oldest Winchester asked, "mostly Buck, sometimes Bear," Roy replied. 

he grabbed Dean and held him back, "what are you doing Roy?" Dean asked, Roy, used a stick and stabbed the ground, a bear trap came up and trapped the stick like it would a bear, "watch where your stepping ranger" Roy said. Dean turned and looked at the group behind them. "it's a bear trap," he said. 

Kylen was visibly shaken after seeing the bear trap, it kind of confirmed that they were out there, and yeah, they had bears in California, but this was way different since they were in the deep woods. "you ok baby doll?" Sam asked, "yeah, just a little scared," Kylen admitted, "it's ok, I grew up walking threw woods like this, and I got a gun, I'll keep you, safe baby," Sam said. 

Dean went back and was talking to Sam and Dean when they stopped "do you hear that?" Dean asked, "not even crickets," Kylen said, "I'm gonna check it out," Roy said already going into the woods, "you shouldn't go out there alone," Dean said, Roy, turned and gave the group a sarcastic smile "trying to protect me? that's sweet," Roy said going into the woods anyway. 

"Hailey! over here!" Roy yelled after a few minutes, and everyone went running, "Oh my god! Tommy! Tommy!"  Hailey yelled, "can I talk to you in private?" Sam asked, he then turned to Kylen, "Ky, stay here love," Sam said, stealing a kiss before Dean and he went off into another part of the camp. "love you, baby," Ky muttered as Sam moved into the woods with Dean. 

"show me the notebook," the younger Winchester asked, Dean, handed his brother the leather-bound notebook and Sam started flipping threw it, "here," Sam said showing it to Dean when he found the page that he was looking for "impossible, Wendigos are in Wisconsin and Northern Michigan, I've never seen one this far west," Dean said. "think about it, Dean,  the scratch marks, it's silent, can unlock doors without anyone noticing it," Sam said, "crap, this isn't going to work the-" Dean was cut off by a blood-curdling scream. 

Sam and Dean ran back to the camp, everyone's packs were gone and so was Kylen...

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