Pilot [Part Two]

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"you guys want any breakfast?" Dean asked as he came out of the shitty gas station, Sam and Dean were used to the shitty gas stations after growing up going to them, but Kylen was a little creeped out by it. "no thanks," Sam said, "Sure," Kylen said, Dean, handed him a bag of chips and a soda (the kind he liked so Kylen assumed that Sam had told Dean at some point when he was asleep) and Dean started pumping gas into the car. 

they had been on the road for seven or eight hours by then and Kylen had slept for most of them, Sam had only slept a little, but he was fully awake, already back in the hunter mentality of only needing a few hours of sleep. Kylen, who was a nursing student and worked in a hospital, needed less sleep than the average human, but he still needed a solid six hours and a few cups of coffee to be able to be not comatose.

"How did you pay for that stuff anyway? are you and dad still running credit card scams?" Sam asked, "I wouldn't say that, we just apply,  it's not our fault they send the cards," Dean smirked, Kylen chuckled a little from the back seat and he munched on his tortilla chips and sipped his mountain dew. Sam playfully glared at Kylen for egging his brother on, which only made Kylen laugh harder, because of course, he would get a case of the giggles, Sam too, started giggling, and Dean gave them a weird look.

 "and what names did you put on the applications this time?" Sam asked already smirking, Dean looked at the card, "Bert Aframian and his son Hector scored two cards," Dean said holding up the credit card that was in his hand for Sam to see, and then showing it to Kylen in the back middle seat, "of course," Sam sighed, his brother and father knew how to get away with a lot, even murder, and it sometimes scared him. 

"I swear man, you got to update your cassette tape collection," Sam said still looking threw the box of cassette tapes, "why?" Dean asked, sounding confused as to what was wrong with what he listened to in HIS car. "Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica, even Kylen has better taste in music," Sam said, "Hey!" Kylen defended. Sam turned in his seat to face his boyfriend, "sweetheart, I love you and you have an amazing voice and you should be a professional singer, but singing Madonna at the top of your lungs in the shower doesn't do your voice justice," Sam said. 

Dean busted out laughing at the banter between the couple, he took the Metallica cassette out of the box and put it in the cassette player . "house rules Sammy, the driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole," Dean said as the music started to play, "only Ky can call me Sammy," Sam tried to say but Dean turned the music up. "sorry can't hear you! music's too loud!" the older Winchester said. Sam rolled his eyes. 

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