Piece 1: The Boy and the Girl in the Barrel

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The sea was calm as the seagulls flew overhead. With the sun shining brightly a ship sailed carefully past a whirlpool. A few of the crew members were lazily watching the waves when they heard a small bump.

"Eh, what was that?"

They looked down and found a barrel floating in the water next to the ship. Upon first glance it looked like the barrel was glowing. Both men looked at each other and blinked before looking back down at the barrel only to find that the soft white glow was no longer there. Squinting to get a better look the men realized that it was a rum barrel and rushed off to find something to pull it up on the deck.

It wasn't as easy as they first thought. After a couple of tries, it became a little competition to pull up the coveted barrel.

"Ugh, I missed again!"

His crewmate snickered, "Strike three pal!"

"I'd be embarrassed! You suck," laughed another crew member from the crow's nest.

After a few more attempts the men finally managed to grapple the edge of the barrel, but they were surprised to find that it took 3 men to haul it up and onto the ship.

"Man this thing is heavy!"

"Hopefully, it is filled with booze!"

"Well it's our booze now!"

"I'm not sharing my half!"

Well the men on deck rejoiced in their good fortune, the man in the crow's nest had begun quaking in fear. Not too far off there was another ship sailing amongst the waves. The other ship was large with hearts painted on the sails, but the most prominent feature was the proud black flag waving in the breeze. The flag had a skull adorned with crossbones and a red heart: the calling sign for the pirate captain Alvida.


The men holding the heavy barrel quickly dropped it and rushed off as the enemy ship opened fire. As the ship rocked and swayed under the cannon fire the guests on board began to panic. Amidst all of the chaos the barrel rolled around until it hit a staircase and bounced haphazardly down it. Once it landed below deck it continued to roll around before banging into an open doorway entering a tail spinning before coming to a stop in the kitchen.

Not long after a young boy with pink hair and glasses stumbled into the kitchen, he looked around before his eyes landed on the barrel.

"Wow that barrel is huge! I wonder what's inside it... Oh well, hopefully this will be enough to get the crew off my back!" With that thought in mind he began the torturous task of rolling the heavy barrel back up onto the deck. He did not even make it to the doorway before three burly pirates blocked his path.

"Well if it isn't our favorite coward," the one in a blue and white striped shirt with a matching bandana berated. "You trying to hide out here and duck out of all the action again?"

"No way!" the boy panicked. "I was just trying to haul this big barrel of beer over to you guys!"

"Heheheheh," the pirate laughed, "why don't you let us lighten the load."

"I was just starting to get thirsty," another one of them gripped.

"You can't!" Coby cried trying to reason with the three other pirates. "Lady Alvida will kill us if she ever finds out!"

The third pirate, with a swirl tattoo over his eye, smirked down at the trembling chore boy, "She won't if you keep your trap shut, Right boy?"

"Yeah right, heheheh," Coby laughed nervously.

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