[Ch. 6]

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 Kronos P.O.V.

"Is that a way to speak to your father?" He asked. 

"Yes," I said, pushing the urge to charge at him. "And you are no father of me," I added. 

"Then are you? Did you do the thing we know as 'father's work' better than I did?" 

"I didn't cripple them, mister," I seethed. "You have no idea how I wanted to vomit after that day."

"But you didn't," he countered. 

"Exactly," I agreed. "At that time, I was younger than I am now. Now that I had more experiences, I wouldn't taste failure like that again." 

"You would fail again if you don't give us the girl over," he said. 

 I bit my lips. "I wouldn't ever let that happen, father," I hissed. 

"So you say you won't fail again, but why do want more power?" He asked, slowly walking toward me. 

"I..I love her," I murmured, thinking of how she smiled at me. She was beautiful. She had a kind and strong heart. All she needs was me accompanying her. 

 Meanwhile, Ouranos probably didn't think that I was going to say that, since he was looking at me blankly. I smirked, and that brought him back to life. Great... 

"Lord Ouranos?" came the voice I hated to hear so much. 

"Zeus... back off," I snarled, spinning my scythe in a wide arc. He didn't flinch, which made me quite annoyed.I tried to slice his head off, but this old sky idiot 'protects' Zeus and I get more pissed so my forearms glow brightly, giving me the exact power I need, and I manage to cut into his skin, only that the old grandpa blocked my next attack by almost burning me with his 'master bolt'. Pain seared, and I almost lost the control of my own powers. But then I thought about Jamie, and I stood again. 

'If this is the only way, I would die for her.' 

 I changed the way I gripped my precious weapon, and blocked the next attack from Zeus. Then I turned quickly and blocked the attack from the Primordial. It might have looked like a dance, but it was a fight. I concentrated at their attacking patterns, but I didn't stop. 

"It's easy to track your next moves when you haven't changed the pattern for centuries," I said as I dodged the blinding attack."

Why aren't you using your power over Time, Kronos?" Zeus asked. 

I smirked. "This thing over Time isn't that simple, boy." 

 I could have stopped both time and energy. But I didn't. Why? I wanted to tell them that I can live without my realm. I had my fighting abilities. All that knowledge and all that nonsense came tome. 

"I love you, Jamie, and now I think this is my time to start the first steps of my grand plan," I murmured. I dodged the attack and changed my scythe into a sword, since I had to jump and 'fly'attack them. I closed my eyes, and wished that the time stopped. It did under my command, and I smiled as I slashed the sword into Ouranos' backside. I lapsed Time back again, and he instantly howled. I felt as if my own body was cooling down, since I didn't let my anger control me this time. 

"Happy?" I growled at him as he hissed because of his pain. "I told you that this attack was meaningless, didn't I?"

 You might be wondering how the sword made him fall to his knees. A Primordial. How can it happen..? Unless it's...

 Yeah, you are right. This beautie is Backbiter, the sword form of my scythe. One slash can easily harm an immortal, and for mortals, you would die painfully. I tried a lot not to get its tip onto the skin of Jamie in our sword training lessons. I wouldn't, never, ever kill my Jamie in my own hands. 

"This sword... where did you get it from?" asked Ouranos.

"Can't you see it..? This is the other form of my scythe. Yes, the one I sliced you with." I said,spitting the words out. 

"Backbiter," Zeus muttered, anger written on his face. "You haven't..!" 

"I haven't disposed it, of course. It's my precious weapon after all." I said, smirking. 

 Just then, a blind light made me cover my eyes. Ugh. When I finally opened them, there was a fire burning into the ship. 

"I know that this girl's under the trapdoor, Kronos," Zeus hissed. "The fire will likable burn the room she's in. Do you want that? Do you really want her to be dead? Because you couldn't help her right on time?" 

 He closed his distance with me. "Give her back to us. I promise that I won't invade your journey again."

"She's not a belonging," I growled, fire burning in my eyes. 

"Then it's a business," he said, smirking. 

 I had to save my girl. Does she know that the ship caught a fire? She has to escape, and not being crushed by other gods or demigods... 

 A loud, shouting voice was heard. With a moment or seconds, the figure ran toward me."Hey," she said, smiling. 

 Three of us didn't say anything. 

"Wait what?" Zeus stumbled. 

"I thought I told your group to guard the trapdoor," Ouranos barked at him. 

"Seriously," Jamie began, "I'm not a normal demigod." 

"Yeah..." I looked at her, and grinned. "I am her angel." 

 With a quick snap of my fingers, I've got her right under my wing. I hugged her tightly, so she choked. 

"Sorry," I muttered. 

"Jamie Castellan, we give you one chance to be a member with us," Zeus started. "And if you don't-"He swirled a finger, and continued. "I think I have no choice but to kill you." 

"And you have no right to speak to me like that," Jamie snapped angrily. "I will never, ever betray him." 

"Don't you ever think that you are going to kill her successfully," I added, stepping in front of her.

"Now, now, kids, I don't think we need a fight here," a strange voice, but familiar to me stated. We all turned, and Ouranos and Zeus were shocked.

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