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"WAKE UP BITCH!" My dad yells. Great. Another day of hell, and hell. *Sarcasm*

I walk to my bathroom and shower, dress in a black tee and neon pink ripped skinny jeans. I do my makeup lightly, dry my hair, put it in a messy bun and grab my neon blue bag.

"What took you so fucking long hoe! I have to be at work in 15! Why are you such a little fucking slut!!!!"

Harsh, right? Eh. Oh well. I'm used to it by now. Without responding I walk to the car, or my dads hoe truck as I call it. I Can't wait till I can drive, actually, cross that. I can't until I have enough money to buy a car, and then take the test, and THEN drive. Fml.

As soon as we pull up I get out, shut the door and walk slowly towards the school entrence as my dad leaves. I make a bee-line and walk towards the park instead, like i do every day.

I've never gone to school. Not this year anyways. It's my Sophomore year and I refuse to go to school. One day when my dad was late, i used a voice modifyer and called the school saying that id be homeschooled from now on. They mailed us a fourm and I filled It out, mailed it back and, BAM. Here I am. "Homeschooled."

It's not like I'm missing out, I don't have any friends at school and I've never been treated fairly why not just ditch?

I like to walk around the park because I can think and work on my art without any stress. I'm home free. You wouldn't know how many times I've tried to run away, failed, been caught, and then beaten by my dad for it. I wish my mum were still around sometimes. I miss her :/ when she was here I had someone to rely on. Once again, F. M. L.

I sat on a large rounded rock and took out my sketch book and started to sketch a bird I saw sitting on a cherry blossom tree. "This'll be a good drawing (:" I thought to myself.

After about 2hours I got the finishing touches done. I had to kinda picture the rest of it in my mind because some stupid kid threw a rock in a tree, causing the bird to flutter away in fright. At least I got the outline sketch done /: doesn't look half bad if I do say so myself. ;3

I stick my stuff in my bag and walk around the corner to Dutch bros. it's the only one here that's NOT a drive thru. I sit in a booth after ordering a dbbl. Choc. Mocha to go. I check my Facebook on my iPhone as they give me my drink.

I walk outside and turn around to get to the city bus stop when ... "WHAT THE FUCK!?" I run into some slut walking into Dutch Brothers with her fellow whores and their boyfriends who are looking down their shirts trying to clean the coffee off them.

I turn to go back in. "OH HELL NO." She shouts as she grabs hold of my bag swinging me so I'm facing her, (Don't think I mentioned I'm kinda petite)

"Where the hell do you think you're going bitch." She asked in a bitchy tone.

"To get some new coffee that's not been 'whoreiffied' yet." I said. I gasped quietly. I haven't spoken to anyone bedsides my old friend from 2nd grade that I occasionally phone every once in a while. It feels like I just Released all my stress and threw it at a whore who deserved it. I walked back into Dutch bros and ordered a new coffee to go. Waited. And walked outside to the bus stop like nothing ever happend.


HII! Sorry it's not that long, this is my first story ever and I want it to be my best! Fan, don't fan, idgaf. Let me know what you think though! I'll try to get a new chapter in today or tomorrow. Byeee!!

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