I saw the dates

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Sunday rolled around quickly and I forced Abe to be the driver and take us all to the carnival, where we met up with Stacey, Sammy and Carlos.

"You look amazing" Carlos said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Thank you"

"So I got us tickets for all the rides, what do you want to do first?" He asked.

"The rollercoaster!" I linked our hands together and we headed towards the first ride.

After the rollercoaster, we tried a few of the games with the boys. They had a bet on who would be the first to win a prize for their girl.

Carlos won and presented me with a huge teddy.

"For you" he said, holding it out towards me.

"Aw, thank you so much" I said and I gave him a small kiss on the lips.

As we pulled apart I caught Abe glaring at us.

"Come here" he said to Sammy, and pulled her in for a kiss.

She looked surprised but happy, kissing him back. He kissed her with his eyes open and set on me.

I looked away and back at Carlos.

"Shall we go to the beach?" I suggested.

"Yeah sure, I think there's a bonfire down there".

And there was. We toasted marshmallows on the beach with some of Carlos' friends, Carlos and I touching each other somehow at every opportunity.

"You know my aunt lives in the Bronx, maybe I could come visit you sometime when you move to New York"

"That would be amazinggggg" I said, dragging out my words as I'd had a few too many wine coolers. "Oh my god, I love this song!" I jumped up on my feet and started to dance, flailing everywhere and getting much too close to the fire.

"Miccie, be careful" Abe got up and pulled me back. I shook him off and carried on dancing, tripping and hurtling face first towards it. "Enough!" Abe, stopped me just in time and threw me over his shoulder.

"Time to go" he said, walking away from the fire with me.

"Where are you taking me? Get off me you fat head!" I kicked my legs, trying and failing to free myself.

"Home, we're going home Miccie"

"Put me down for God's sake, Abe"

"Fine" he snapped, dropping me into the sand.

I wiped the sand off myself and stood back up.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked, staring directly into his eyes.

"Like what?" He retorted.

"Over protective, controlling, meddling. Why are doing this?"

"I'm not doing anything? You're drunk and nearly fell into the fire? You need to go home".

"I'm fine Abe. I'm going back to Carlos." I turned to walk away.

"Don't go back to him Mic"

"Why?" I questioned. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because he's a fuck boy"

I guffawed. "And you're not? I saw you on the porch swing the other day".

"You weren't meant to see that, I'm sorry."

"It's whatever. You like Sammy, just do what you need to do in private please."

Abe sighed. "I don't like Sammy".

"You kissed her today" I pointed out.

"Because you were kissing Carlos".

"So?" I couldn't understand where we were going. Was he kissing her to make me jealous?

"I know you didn't write those diary entries when you were 14, Mic" he said quickly. "I saw the dates".

A lump formed in my throat.

"I-" I couldn't even think of a good lie. "You shouldn't have been reading them."

"I didn't, Jake did and I asked him to stop... do you still feel that way about me?" He asked.

I put my guard up "why does it matter?" In my head I answered with a big fat yes.

"Because I have had a crush on you since you were 16".

I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing. Surely this was a dream. "And you didn't think to say anything?"

"Your my best friends sister. Jake would kill me. I've tried to push it down, to date other girls but I cannot stop thinking about you Mic".

I was speechless.

"You don't have to say anything, I know you really like Carlos."

I didn't have the words, so I used actions, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him with every bit of passion I had in my body.

"Wait..." I said pulling away. "The condom in the car?"

"Jake's. I just wanted to see your reaction".

I slapped his arm. "I thought it was yours, I was so mad!".

"I'm sorry!" He said, picking me up by my waist and spinning me round in a circle.

"We better go back" I said when I was firmly back on the ground.

"Jake can never know about this" he said firmly.

"I know" I whispered. We kissed one last time and separated, heading back to the bonfire.

"You ok Micaya?" Carlos asked when we returned.

"Oh yeah, all good. I threw up" I lied and took a seat next to him. It had gotten a few degrees colder and I shivered.

"You cold?" He asked, placing his arm over my shoulder.

"Here, take this" Jake pulled off his UCLA hoody and handed it to me.

"Thanks Jake" I said, noticing our hands touch as I grabbed it from him We avoided each others gaze and went back into our pairs.

"I say, we go skinny dipping!" Giddy from the wine, Stacey grabbed Jake's hand and started to pull him towards the ocean.

"Absolutely not. I'm not skinny dipping with my brother" I refused and stayed put.

"Come on Abraham" Sammy tugged at Abe's arm.

"It's cold?" Abe said.

"Don't be such a baby!" Sammy managed to pull him along. He took off his t-shirt and shorts but kept his underwear on and didn't go in past his waste.

I fought off the temptation to hide Sammy's clothes, or worse put them on the bonfire.

"Aw crap" I said as we pulled up at the house. "I dropped my phone in the footwell and I can't reach".

"Ugh it's like 2am, Abe can help you" Jake hurried into the house.

I smiled to myself, victorious as Abe rummaged around on the floor.

"I can't see it" he said, coming up. I waved my phone in his face.

"That's because I didn't drop it, I just wanted him to leave" I beamed at him.

"Sneaky" he said, laughing quietly.

"Kiss me" I said, pulling him close to me. He placed a few pecks on my lips and slapped my ass as I turned to walk into the house.

"You're going to get me into trouble" he said, biting his lip.

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