A/N - What's my plan for this book?

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Hello Everyone! 

I am indeed alive. I just wanted to let you all know what's happening with this story and why I have been gone so long. 

Am I abandoning this story? Absolutely not! I am actually re-reading it now to make a timeline so I can get the next chapter up before the 20th, then there should be one every two weeks or so.

Where have I been? Despite thinking I am dead, I am actually very much alive. My absence has two reasons. One, I just started University as a first-year law student and that (plus taking on a part-time job) left barely any free time. Second, I am, in fact, autistic and have been diagnosed with anxiety, so the change in city, people, and atmosphere startled me more than I thought it would. BUT, I've adjusted, I'm back home for the summer break and will stubbornly try to incorporate this into my hectic schedule. I love this fic and its readers so I can promise I won't disappear for months on end again. 

So with that, expect an update by the 20th and a more concrete schedule will be added in the A/N of the next chapter. Until then, I'd recommend re-reading the prior chapters to remind yourself who is who and what the fluff is actually going on.

As a complete side note, Koyuki is 18, two years younger than Itachi, so bare that in mind before spamming the comments with the same question again XD

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