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So I got done doing the 369 method for Joseph, but I'm still working on my back to school script. ! Speaking of back to school, my mema got me a cute kawaii book bag and it should be here on the 30th. So yay! Also today me and my dad were at this store and these ladies said hi to me randomly. So yeah... I got my new swimsuit today but it's too small. I had to get one at target since the one I wanted at old navy wasn't there anymore :,( I got a two piece with unicorns and stuff on it. But I might just get a whole new one since it's a little too childish (as in what the girls are summer camp would say). I want one in either a cute color, a cute design, or either with ruffle or frill. I'm kinda back on my subliminals. So I'm still listening to my cute subliminals playlist. I'm trying to learn how to manifest my desired clothes. I hate how my dad won't let me dress in skirts and dresses majority of the time. It makes me feel more cute and feminine. I think imma get a one piece tho. Oh yeah! And I finally got my ear buds to work! :) See ya! (Also I now have 6 dollars because my dad made me spend my money on my swimsuit :,(

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