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OK! Me and her talked a good couple times yesterday during ELA time. But LET ME TELL YOUUU! LUNCH TIME!? FUCK! She was staring at me NON-STOP! Even TWO OTHER people confirmed that. TWO! One of the people that confirmed it(which is one of my friends) said that she knew when I told her about it and that they even made eye contact a couple times. OUCH! Cuz me and that friend both HATE eye contact- OK guys, here's the plan- SO, if she stares at me again at lunch today, I'm going to stare at her back. About 1-30 seconds. I was going to do a minute, but then I remembered/realized that I was NOT going to manage to make eye contact even NEAR that time- So I lower it down to AT LEAST 30 seconds. I'm listening to subs and stuff from my computer bc my switch has to charge -n- I'll update. BYEEEEE

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