Text from ✨️HER✨️ script

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SS(Strawberry Shortcake) is the new codename for ✨️HER✨️

Hey Lon!


Lon, I have something that I want to tell you


I like you. Wait no. I LOVE you.. I've loved you for a long time. After you and Mena broke up, I thought that you probably needed/wanted some time before you date someone else. I never really told you or showed it. You know I'm a bit shy sometimes.! I tried to show it a bit, but not too much. I want you. I want to have you as my girlfriend. I'm sorry about how I've treated you in the past, I'm going to make up for it.! You're on my mind 24/7. I can't get over you. I've tried telling myself that I love you has a friend, but then I realized that I was just lying to myself. I don't like the idea of you with someone else. We're made for each other.. I love you so much London.. I want a future with you and everything! The thought of someone else having you makes me so mad. I can't stand the thought of it.. You're SO damn beautiful and cute and precious. GOD I can just talk about you all day long. I promise to love you till the day I die.! I love you SO much London.. I want to be with you.. Can we please be together again..?

You're serious right? This isn't a prank is it..?

Of course it's isn't Lon! Why would I do that to you love?

I didn't really think you would. This is just, surprising..! Since you said this isn't a prank. Imma be honest to. I love you too. I've been on and off with my feelings for you. I guess I've never really gotten over you. I've liked you for so long.

Oh, I KNOW you haven't love. So, does this make us together again? Are you, my girlfriend now..? Are you mine again..?

Of course! Why would I say no!? I've wanted to be with you for SO long! How are you going to repay for how you've treated me~?

Oh~? How sweet and curious~. You'll see. Just know, I'm treating you like a queen for the rest of your life.

Hehe~! Okie! I love you!

I love you more Lon. I can't WAIT to see you Monday!

Me too <3

And then we continue our conversation. You know who her is. 😏 We've been talking A LOT lately. We've been having SC Ready testing and LET.ME.TELL.YOU.SHE.WAS.STARING! She was staring was I was awake AND sleep! TWO people confirmed that she was staring at me when I was sleeping! And I wasn't snoring or anything. Also, her and one of my friends were sitting at another table and SS had asked if they could switch seats. So that made SS sit to where she could see me- Sooo 😏 Anyways I'll talk to you later!

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