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SO sorry that I haven't been updating!!! I've been busy and my life has been haywire! I don't think mely dad and my step-mom aren't together anymore. She's taking me shopping this weekend tho! I'm so excited!!! >v<  And umm, y'all are gonna kick my ass. I kinda, sorta maybe possibly kinda sorta.. started talking to Strawberry-shortcake again..? SHE TEXTED ME FIRST OK!? AND I PULLED ONE OF THOSE MOVES THAT SHE DID TO ME WHEN I TEXTED HER AND THEN I SHE GOT OFFENDED AND THEN I WAS COMING OFF AS BEING RUDE AND I DEEPLY APOLOGIZED! But yeah we're talking a bit now. She's in agere at the moment. Which to be honest, I think is the only reason why she texted me. DO NOT WORRY! I'm not falling for her again. I still don't like her like that. And you know what they say, "No expectations, no hurt/pain". Basically, if you don't set expectations for the person and they do some shitty things to you, it won't hurt you feels as if you did set expectations for them. I hope that makes sense -v- That's pretty much it I think. Also, I'm watching Manifestation videos and taking notes to help me. I've done scripting for the things I want, I just need help, you know actually manifesting it. Byebyeee!

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