Chapter 1

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At a young age, I have always been one to dabble in a lot of things. Meaning, that I had a liking for a lot of hobbies that made me a multimillionaire. I loved cooking, jewelry making, farming/planting, pottery, painting, making cosmetics, playing percussion and stringed instruments, dancing, reading, and writing. Due to my indecisiveness, I chose a career that I could do all in, entrepreneurship. However, as I grew, I continued to learn about my...unrestrained side. The side that liked horses, archery, karate, yoga, traveling, rock climbing, and rollercoasters. But as time flew by, I realized that at the beautiful age of 38, I had no children, no love interest, not because I didn't want to, but simply because I didn't see anyone that interested me, I didn't see my person. I longed to be a mother, a lover; hence when I died of old age, I accepted it. I wasn't bitter because I was tired, but if I had another life, I would genuinely take the time to have a lover, children, and the ability to help and provide for them.

It seems our interests align.

As I drowned in the darkness of this life, I basked in the light of another. The feeling of rebirth was bitter-sweet.

Xiao Jing POV (name after rebirth)

After two months of getting used to my new life, I concluded that this body was loved but sickly. She has loving parents and two elder brothers. Two personal servants, Jade and Suoxin, grew alongside her and matured for her, protected her, learned everything for her, and had the utmost patience for her. This body due to her illness did not have the ability to practice etiquette nor showcase talent, hell not even the ability to walk. Hence when I, a foreign soul that is healthy, talented, and can walk, entered this body that was supposed to be sick and weak, it was too much of a shock for the family members and servants of this household to see this body up and running.

'First Miss, do you want to visit the lotus pond after we finish preparing you?' said Suoxin.

'I would like that. Jade prepare the painting kit, I made." I said with a pleasant smile.

'Yes, First Miss.' Jade happily skipped to the recreational room.

I also realized that the more active I am, the happier everyone is.

I was quick with learning etiquette and the history of our great Qing Dynasty. I also got used to the no technology thing.

As we walked to the pond servants pay respect along the way. Speaking of respect, 'Let's visit Dowager Marquess.'

'Yes, First Miss.'

Upon the entrance of my grandmother's courtyard, I appreciated the luscious green of the vegetation and the comfortable quietness of the yard.

'First Miss greets Dowager Marquess' I said bowing

'Come on up, my dear' he said warmly with a light smile.

'Thank you, grandma, how have you been lately?'

'I'm doing well, I was just finishing up my Buddhist sutra. Why did you visit?'

'I was on my way to the lotus pond, to observe and paint the scenery. I've been given a second chance; I want to appreciate the beauty of the world as much as possible.'

'Ha-ha, it's truly beautiful, well I won't keep you long, be on your way

'Hmph, yes grandma.'

I bowed and left.

'I want to do more.'

'Huh? Meaning' said jade

'I want to plant, cook, bake, build, I want to try everything that life has to offer

'But miss you are only 11!' Suoxin reasoned

'And you not long ago got better' jade added.

'it's even more of a reason to experience life before it becomes marriage.'

'That is true,' said my father

'If that is what you want, I will not stop you, I will support you and protect you for however long it will take.'

'Thank you, father.'

And just like that, I was up and about Great Qing for 5 years, I learned many things, helped many people, grew many things, made money, and invested in a lot of things. The businesswoman in me came out a lot. I learned sewing, swordsmanship, archery, horse riding, how to plan an event, the enjoyment behind story writing and poetry, jewelry appreciation, medicine, planting, and farming. I learned as much as I could, earned a lot, and enjoyed my freedom.

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