Chapter 4

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The following day, at the hour of tiger (3 am to 5 am) Xiao Jing alongside Suoxin and Jade was making sure everything was packed. Seeds to grow vegetables and fruits, when they get bored, a painting kit, money, and a painting of her family members.

 Seeds to grow vegetables and fruits, when they get bored, a painting kit, money, and a painting of her family members

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(no mark on the forehead)

By the hour of the rabbit (5 am to 7 am) Xiao Jing finished getting ready and bidding farewell to her family members.

'Noble Lady Jing is requested to enter the Forbidden City' said the Eunuch that arrived two minutes ago.

'Be careful and stay healthy,' said Mother

'Yes, mother.'

I stepped back and did the ceremonial bows to my family members and entered the cart departing for the Imperial Palace.

Entering the Palace

Upon entering all of us followed the head maid of the Empress Dowager who showed us our residence.

'Two of you will reside in this Palace of Eternal Harmony, Noble Lady Jing, and First-Class Attendant Wei.'

'Yes, thank you.' I responded then walked through the main gate of the palace, walking to the western side palace.

When I reached, I was greeted by four maids and two eunuchs.

I continued walking until I reached the top step of my side palace.

'I am Noble Lady Jing; I enjoy peace and I prefer people who will serve me whole-heartedly. I might be favored by the Emperor; I might not even see his face. Are you okay with that?' I waited

'If you are not, I will give you two golden taels and you can leave.'

No one left.

'Good, from here on, you are my servants, my eyes, my ears. Whatever I do represents you and what you do will represent me. All I want is your blind loyalty.'

'Who is the head maid?' I questioned.

'Your servant is named Jinxi'

'Head Eunuch'

'Your servant is named Li Yu'


'These are my personal servants, Jade and Suoxin, they know what to do and they won't disturb any of you unless I gave the order.'

'After I prepare myself, I would like another talk with all of you at the hour of the dragon (7 am to 9 am) tomorrow.'


'Jinxi, what do you think about our Lady?' Li Yu asked.

'Safety.' Jinxi said smiling lightly and turning around.



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