Chapter 6

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"His Majesty, The Emperor has arrived." His Majesty's Head Eunuch, Yu Chen, shouted.

Immediately all of us bowed deep.
"This Concubine, Noble Lady Jing, greets His Majesty, The Emperor, May you live for a thousand years," I said in a gentle and respectful tone.

"Are you new in the harem?" He asked with a smooth and deep tone.

"Replying to His Majesty, Nucai* has been in the palace for a year."

"Oh. Well, what your servant said, Zhen also agrees. Where did you come up with that idea?" He said taking a seat in front of us.

" May I rise first, Your Majesty?" I said in an uncomfortable yet humble manner.

His Majesty chuckled in a soft manner, his hands touching his knees, and he gave a gesture to rise.

I slowly rose with Jinxi as she held my hand, whilst Li Yu quickly placed a seat on the right of His Majesty. Sitting down, I gently placed my arms in my lap and rose my head in a delicate manner.

"Truly, before entering the Palace, I was a traveler and often engaged in business. On slow days, I managed by making products from information in books and the population of the area I resided in. The flower, I read from a herb book, and my servants are my population. Now as an idle woman of the harem, as the days went by I realized their lips  got paler and dryer. Due to the fact that they represent me as a whole, it was only natural that I thought of this product." I answered genuinely.

"That is very thoughtful of you and this painting, it makes the original scenery look bland." He praised with a small smile.

"Thank you, Huangshang*."

"Huangshang, the head maid of Consort (Fei)* Wan asks to be in your audience."

His Majesty looked forward and gave a gesture to his Head Eunuch.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor, may you live for one thousand years." said the head maid with a coquettish smile on her face(as all maids and eunuchs had uniforms that distinguished them from the head maids).

Slouching back a little, His Majesty adjusted his position to be a little more comfortable yet more domineering.


The head maid positioned herself to look more 'appealing' if that can describe her weird body position.

"Huangshang, Wan Fei wanted to make sure that you will still be having dinner by her palace today. Also, to inform you that her father, General Cong, sent a lychee tree for Her Majesty Empress Dowager as it is to all that she has a love for this fruit." She finished proud that she said her statement smoothly and in her mind, gently.

"This could have been said to Zhen's eunuch." He sighed. " Wasteful, Yu Chen, move this servant from Zhen."

The servant frowned.
"Wait, Huangshang, Nucai has not received an answer!"
Not realizing what she had demanded. Yu Chen backhanded her, "Impudent! How dare you demand an answer and speak directly to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Realizing what she had done, her eyes widened even more than before and she dropped to her knees giving a deep bow. "Huangshang-,"

"Noble Lady Jing? What do you think I should do?" His Majesty asked with a small smile.

How evil! He knew she could get in trouble touching another woman's servant even if she had His Majesty's permission, she is still at the 6th rank touching a Consort's servant.

Still, she had to say that this servant did bring this to herself. One could only imagine if this servant would have become a Second Class Attendant (8th rank), anyone could see that she had the thought.

"Your Majesty, as this servant is not mine, I would send this servant to her owner and inform her of the servant's action." Still, Noble Lady Jing thought it smart to play small.

His Majesty smiled inwardly, he played bored. "Do what she said and inform Consort Wan that such servants will make Zhen not want to eat."

" Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor. Come!" Yu Chen ordered two eunuchs to drag up the servant and he went to carry out his order.

The day was so peaceful, Noble Lady Jing thought. So it seems I won't be able to have any form of love in this life.

" Huangshang seeing as the hassle is done. I will take my leave." She bowed gracefully and turned with Jinxi assisting her to her palace.


Zhen- that is how the Emperor refers to himself.

Nucai- this is how a servant or a lady of low rank addresses themselves to someone of high ranking.

Huangshang- it means Your Majesty or Emperor

Fei- Consort

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