Chapter 8

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"Oh, Head Eunuch Yu," Li Yu bowed then stepped outside the palace gates to fully pay attention to the high-ranking eunuch.

"Ah! Li Yu, is Noble Lady Jing awake? His Majesty would like to spend the night with Noble Lady Jing, and open the gates." He ordered.

Li Yu smiled, " Head Eunuch Yu, Mistress is busy and after this, she has another activity to tend to."

His Majesty, who was listening to the interaction, silently ordered the servants to lower his sedan chair. How amusing.

Walking up to the pair by the gate, "Move." he stated, hands clasped behind his back.

The two eunuchs bent slightly and moved out of the way, allowing His Majesty to enter the palace gates Yu Chen followed after, then Li Yu.

"Which side palace does your Mistress reside in ?" Yu Chen asked upon observing His Majesty's pace.

"Oh, Mistress resides in the Western Side Palace." Li Yu answered loudly, walking ahead to guide them to her palace.

"You don't need to announce Zhen's arrival. Zhen wants to know what it is that your mistress is busy with."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Both eunuchs replied.

Pulling aside the door cover, Li Yu led His Majesty to his Mistress in a very wide room, that had sections that were labeled and some that were not. It might look messy to others, but to His Majesty, the room seemed to be in the process of organization, had she been in possession of the entire palace, all of the halls would have been utilized.

Looking to the other side of the room, he saw the group of women doing something that he has only seen when visiting the Household Department as a Crown Prince.

His Majesty laughed at the scene.

Noble Lady Jing, who was so concentrated on the material, was surprised by the loud laughter.

"Greetings to His Majesty The Emperor, Nucai apologizes for not appearing upon the announcement of your arrival." She apologized bowing deeply.

"It's okay." His Majesty waved off.

"Zhen didn't announce his arrival." His Majesty smiled at the spinning wheel, sitting across from the group.

"You may rise."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Jade and Suoxin bowed, exited the area, and went back to their sections to tidy up.

"Jinxi, clean this up for me."

"Yes Mistress." she bowed and cleaned the area.

"Huangshang, let me take you to the chambers, it is cleaner and less chaotic." Noble Lady Jing said gently placing her hands on His Majesty's arm, lifting him up from the chair, and guiding him to her chambers. His Majesty sat on the bed, Noble Lady Jing sat on a stool by the dining table opposite of His Majesty.

They sat in silence for a moment, both observing each other's attire and body language.

Suddenly His Majesty's eyes settled on her lips, they were double-toned but pink nonetheless. Her eyebrows beautifully curved to the sky, her eyes a dark shade of brown. Her hair was down but wavy, black. As her hair caressed her figure, His Majesty realized how seductive her outline was, her waist dipped in to accentuate her hips. Her back seemed straight and her shoulders looked strong and sturdy. His Majesty couldn't see much but like the rest of her body, he knew her breasts complimented her figure.

Biting his lips, "Do you know how to play a seven-stringed zither?"

Tilting her head, "Huangshang, after staring at me for so long, that is what you want to ask?" she questioned with a small smile.

'How daring, but alluring.' His Majesty thought. Instead of answering verbally, Huangshang stared into her eyes, deeply.

Seeing as His Majesty was serious about his question, Noble Lady Jing smiled wide answering the question.

"A little."

"Huangshang, have you eaten anything?" She questioned Huangshang, trying to get rid of the heavy atmosphere.

"Zhen has yet to eat something." He answered staring into her eyes.

Processing the answer, Xiao Jing stood up from the stool calmly.

"Okay, I will make you something. Meanwhile, there is a cube that I made and I can't seem to fix it back to its original form." Xiao Jing went to her desk by the bed, took up the Rubik's cube, and gave it to His Majesty.

As a modern soul, the first thing that Xiao Jing made was a Rubik's cube. She loved the thing back then, it was her way of passing time as she diagnosed herself with mild ADHD in her previous life. The Rubik's cube was more entertaining than the fidget spinner. Of course, she gave His Majesty the beginner's Rubik's cube, the traditional 3x3.

"Here Your Majesty, you are to spin each side until all four sides of the cube are uniform with a color. I only finished one side so far, please complete the other sides until I have finished your meal." Noble Lady Jing said gently, leaving the chamber to find Jinxi.

"Jinxi, come and help me make a meal for His Majesty." Xiao Jing popped her head into the room and waved her along.

"Move faster." Noble Lady Jing exasperated, went into the room to drag Jinxi with her.

The two left to the kitchen made by the western side palace.

"Your Majesty, Noble Lady Jing is very peculiar," said Yu Chen as he watched Noble Lady Jing run-walking to an area he thought, was the kitchen.

"Zhen knows, that odd room has a spinning wheel for cotton. She has her own kitchen, she went to make a meal for Zhen. She made her own game and gave it to Zhen." His Majesty voiced his thoughts as he concentrated on the cube.

"Fix this." His Majesty tossed the cube into his eunuch's hands, who caught it clumsily and focused on fixing the cube for His Majesty.

"Such an odd lady." Yu Chen said softly, turning the side of the cube. Realizing that His Majesty had two sides left, he made sure to focus on them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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