Chapter 2

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                                                                                    CHAPTER TWO

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                                                                                    CHAPTER TWO

Xiao Jing POV

'First miss I like the design of this blanket' Jade complimented

'Right' Suoxin agreed giggling.

'Thank you, uh give me the yellow yarn'

'Oh yes.'

Suddenly a messenger bird from her father came soaring, Jade extended her arm giving the bird a place to rest.

Untying the message and passing it to me.

My precious daughter Xiao Jing,

It's time to come back home, it's inevitable.

We will talk more when you reach, gather yourself well.

Yours sincerely,

Mom and Dad.


'It's time to go home, wrap up everything we will leave in two days.'

'Yes, First Miss.'

One week later


As I stepped down the step by the carriage, mother was the first to cry.

'Oh my! Look how you've grown!' said father

'Come on in, hurry!' said mother rushing us inside.

'Look at all the carts of goods' 2nd brother exclaimed.

'I thought she was joking when she mentioned her involvement in business and trade' said 1st brother.

As we entered through the main gate, familiarity hit me in waves. The home was the same but much more beautiful.

When we were all in the main hall I greeted Dowager Marquess, Marquis, and Marquess with a kowtow

'First Miss greets Dowager Marquess, Marquis, and Marquess'

'Get up. Hurry! Hurry!' said Grandma.

'Ah! You look so beautiful' grandma said taking my hands and walking me to my chair beside 1st brother.

'Alright let us discuss why you are here.' Father said seriously,

'As you know the new Emperor Kaixiang of Great Qing, came to his reign 6 years ago, he took the time to eliminate corruption, stabilize the government and the people, establish new laws, and slight old ones, even though his way of going about things are violent; it gets things done.' Father explained

'However, even he knows that he needs an heir to the throne. No one recommended this idea; it came from the Emperor himself. Who would send their child to a man who is blood-thirsty? But the Emperor gave a decree that daughters who are not married, promised to another or engaged in studies abroad from rank 5 and up are to enter the palace for Imperial Selection.' Mother continued.

'Now nobles are rushing to send their daughters to marry or abroad for study, we would too but we want your opinion first.' Grandma added.

'Normally the child should follow the orders of the matriarch, but since you asked for my opinion, I do not have an issue attending the selection, I might be chosen, I might not be chosen' I said 'But one thing we have never done is run away from our duties, the path chosen for us or the path we have taken. In my case it is the second one, therefore I will attend.' I finished.

Everyone stared at each other proud but sad because we all knew that we had no choice.

'Alright, spoken like a true Marquis' daughter.' Father said laughing proudly.

'Alright, alright. Since that is what you chose, we will accept. Prepare a big dinner tonight we shall celebrate.' Grandma said.

'Yes mother,' said mother.

'Sister let's see what you brought back,' elder brother said.

'Yes let's. '  Second brother agreed.

'Alright let's go.' 

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