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(Credits to someone on TikTok for giving me this idea I ❤️ u)

There had just recently been a new building across from the video game store in Hawkins. It wasn't everyday you would see a new place, well sense Hawkins is such a small town. The building was titled Anywhere Repair. A few people had already been there. It wasn't to bad of a place. Maybe could have a nicer interior, but that's besides the point. Today was just none other than Steve Harringtons lucky day.

"Just my luck," he groaned his car stopping right in the parking lot of the video game store. The man walks in, door bell ringing, "what's up, dingus?" Robin said with a cheery tone to her voice. "My car broke down. I need to use the store phone to call the place across from here. I heard it wasn't too bad," Robin making a hissing noise before she talked, "ooh that sucks, well uh I'll be pointing up these movies," Steve held up a thumbs up before dialing the number. *** *** ****. The phone rang for a bit until someone picked up, "Hello this is Anywhere Repair this is Eddie Munson speaking, how may I help you?" A faint yell from the call could be heard saying, "I told you to say your name, not your nickname!" "Jeez I don't know why it's such a big problem!" Steve stopped the bickering, "uhm my car actually broke down across the street from you if you could come over and help? That would be great," "okay! Be right over." Steve hung the phone back up on the wall and went outside waiting for this Eddie Munson.

Steve was leaning on his car waiting, "uh hello?" Harrington jumped. "Oh Jesus Christ. Are you...Eddie?" "Yup that's me and I'm here to fix your car. So," he said dragging the last word. "What's the problem?" "..That's the thing, I don't really know it kinda just broke down before I could turn it off," "oh." Eddie said with a faint chuckle. "I'll check it out you can get back to your..thing," he said with a smile putting up his hair. Steve stood there still leaning against his car staring at the guy. "Did...did you hear me?" You could just hear the smirk on his face. "Oh, shit yea sorry."

"So, what's with that staring, Stevey," "don't call me that, and I wasn't staring! I don't know what your talking about," "mhm. So there are a few movies that you had to put up while you were gone and I put them over there," Robin said pointing her finger. Steve walked over to the movies turning around seeing Eddie trying to figure out what happened to the car. If you've ever seen someone stare in awe of something that would be Robins POV. "Hey, hello? Dingus?" Robin says snapping her fingers bringing Steve back to reality. "Yeah, what did you say," Steve still not looking directly at Robin. "You have work to do!" "Right, yeah, sorry."

*ding* the doorbell rang as the door open "So it seems like your ca-..." Eddie says looking up wondering where Steve is. Robin looks turns around and looks over to Eddie, "dingus you have someone waiting for you," she says in a teasing voice. A few seconds pass by before Robin says again, "Steve?" "Hold on I'll go get him." Robin looks around the store looking for Steve then hearing something from the Employees Only room. "Knock knock," "Steve?" "Yeah?" "The guy figured out what's wrong with your car," "oh ok I'll be out in a second." Robin walked away going back to the counter.

Steve came out about 2 minutes later. "Hey sorry for the wait I was just uh..putting stuff away?" He said in more of a question then a statement. "Don't worry it's fine, but there was nothing wrong with your car. It was just the battery but I also suggest getting gas your kinda low," "okay thanks" "of course,man. So I'm going to go now you guys finish your work," he said giving Steve a wink and waving bye to Robin. "Dude! Did you see that? He winked at you! He definitely likes you!" Steve zoned out and couldn't make out the rest of the freckled girls rambling. "Steve!? Stop zoning out, dingus! Anyways, he definitely likes you-" "stop Robin! I'm not..gay! I like girls not-not guys!" Steve yells. "Woah dude I'm sorry I was just-" "just stop Robin." Steve walked away from Robin getting the movies he didn't put away from earlier and started putting them away to get his mind off of everything.


"Hey Steve I'm leaving now see you tomorrow!" "Bye," Steve said in a monotone voice.

When Steve heard Robin leave, he decided he would go back to the counter for a while just in case anyone showed up like Dustin or one his friends. But people showing up is what Steve was thinking about. All he was thinking about was Eddie.

"This is so boring," Steve yawned rubbing his his face in his hands keeping his head down. *ding* the bell rang, Steve's hands still on his face. "Uh hello?" That voice is familiar Steve thought. He raised his head from his sweaty palms and looked up to see none other then Eddie. "Yeah?" "Uhm I just got off of work and your friend..what was her name? Robin yeah her. She said that you needed someone to hang out with so I came over," Eddie chuckled. Steve was hardly paying attention, looking Eddie up and down. He was in his work shirt about 3 buttons undone showing a tank top underneath and black jeans with a chain hanging on the side. Steve responded a few moments later saying, "god I hate her, and why do you even care?" Steve turned around in the spinning chair covering his face. "Well I just thought I would be nice you know? I can go-" "no it's fine. Stay," Steve turned around facing Eddie, arms on the counter, "but there's really nothing to do," "that's fine. I don't mind just talking. So what was your name I never got it," "it's Steve. Steve Harrington," "oh I know you," a smirk on Eddie's face and confusion on Steve's, "how? I've never met you before," "you're the one that was in the mall fire," "oh, yeah I guess," "you guess? That was awesome," "sure..." "you know you don't really seem fond of me, Harrington," "well sorry you feel that way? I'm just not in a talking mood, and you seem too fond of me," "well sorry you feel that way," Eddie says mockingly moving to sit on the counter besides Steve. Steve rolled his eyes, "shut it Munson," "woah there Stevey, calm down," Eddie chuckles. "How do you even know about that nickname?" "I could here you and...Robin talking when I was outside," "you creep!" Steve laughs playfully punching Eddie, "it's not my fault!" Eddie says shrugging his shoulders.

Steve and Eddie talked for what felt like hours on end for them, and surprisingly they both enjoyed it. Steve thought with Eddie and his painted black nails and chains he would be..a bit of a mess but he was wrong. And Eddie thinking Steve was just a stuck up popular snob was also wrong.

"Well uhm its getting time for me to close up. You should probably go," "I'll wait for you" Eddie smiled. "Okay,"

Steve flipped over the We're Open! sign over to the Sorry, We're Closed. and walked out with Eddie by his side. "Well, bye Eddie," "bye Harrington," "oh and thanks again for fixing my car," "no problem. If it happens again you know who to call," Eddie winks before walking back over to Anywhere Repair and getting into his car. He really does have a thing for winking at me. Steve thought. He got into his car and drove home. When he got home he ran to the house phone dialing Robins house. "Hello? Steve..why are you calling me right now? It's 10:20!" "Yeah yeah sorry about that. So you know Munson right? Yeah so we talked for what felt like hours!" "Seriously" "yeah I don't know what to think about right now I'm freaking out Robin!" "I know you said you weren't gay but you should rethink what you just said," "Robin! I don't like guys," "mhm sure anyways I'm going to sleep I can't deal with your rambling anymore see you tomorrow bye!" Robin said slowly getting away from the phone then hanging up.

Eddie's POV

"Jesus Christ what am I doing?" Eddie asks lightly banging his head on the steering wheel as he parks, turning down the music, and lighting a cigarette. "Why did I wink at him? Twice! I need to think these things through..." Eddie groans getting out of the car dropping the cigarette and stepping on it. I get off early tomorrow I'll just talk to Steve then.

3rd person POV

Eddie and Steve fell asleep only thinking about what could happen the next day, what they would say, or even do.

AAAHGGG I really hope u liked this chapter bc I felt like sense I made you wait so long I had to make it good and a longer chapter so I was kind of stressed so I REALLY hope u like it and need your honest opinion and maybe ideas for chapter 2 🫶🫶

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