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(Warning f slur is used and I can say it because I am part of the LGBTQ+ also here's sex on fire because I thought of this chapter while listening to it 😍)

The next morning

*knock knock* "Robin? Are you home?" Vicky tried opening the door after a few minutes of waiting. Not surprisingly it was unlocked from last night. "Robin, wake up!" Robin slowly open her eyes and stretched, "Vicky? What are you doing here?" "It's about 4 Robin! We have to start getting ready," "shit really?" Robin said quickly getting up and waking up Steve. "

Steve wake up!" "Hmm?" Steve groaned, "What, Robin?" "Get up we have to get ready! Do you have a suit?" "Yeah..it's at my house," "okay well we have to get it. Come on!" Steve got up and grabbed his keys, Robin and Vicky following behind him.

They arrived at Steve's house going upstairs into his room. "Okay, Steve, grab your suit so we can go!" "Okay okay!" Steve grabbed his suit and then they left.

At Robin's house

"You brought your dress right Vicky?" "Yeah it's in my car I'll go grab it," "Robin I'm scared," "why?" Robin said going to her room with Steve following behind her, "what if Eddie's there? I mean- it's going to be so awkward!" "Steve...do you think someone like Eddie would really go to prom?" "No, but-" "Steve! Seriously stop worrying about him this is the day to get over him!" "Okay.." "I'm back!" Vicky said. "Woah Vicky! I love your dress," "thanks rob," Vicky smiled. "Okay let's get ready. Steve, you can use my room."

"I feel bad for Steve, Vicky," "why what happened?" "He just got over his problems with his parents and now he has to get over Eddie and I just feel horrible I can't do anything!" "You're doing the best you can Robin," Vicky says putting on her makeup, "I bet Steve is glad he has you as his best friend. He's going to be okay alright?" "I guess your right."

Steve looked in the mirror checking himself out as usual and fixing his hair. "I hope Eddie's not there.."

After they're done getting ready

"Robin hurry up!" Both Steve and Vicky yell. "Okay okay!" Robin comes out of the bathroom wearing a suit, "I couldn't figure out how to do my tie!" "you know you could've asked me right?" Steve questioned. "Yeah sure like you know anything. Now come on we'll be late!" Steve rolled his eyes as they walked out the door and into his car.

At the school

"Shit Eddie is here," Steve sighed. "Where?" "Over there selling weed," "oh. You should just talk to him, Steve!" "I agree with Robin maybe things will turn out okay," Vicky smiled while getting out of the car with Robin and walking towards the school.

Steve finally got out walking towards the entrance looking everywhere but Eddie, "Steve wait!" Steve turned around and it was none other than Eddie, "what?" "Meet me at the back of the school." Steve walked to the back waiting for Eddie.

"Steve!" "Eddie," "I needed to talk to you," "if it's about yesterday it's fine I don't care, Eddie," "no, Steve, it's not about that. Look I lied to you." "About?" "God Steve you're slow in the head do you know that," "well thanks. Now, what did you lie about?" "Steve I like you!" "What?" "Damnit Steve," Eddie said walking close to him and putting his hands on his shoulders. "Would you be my prom date?" "Wait what? Your joking right I mean I will I would lov-" Eddie cut off Steve bringing them into a kiss.

Steve separated them, "uh we should probably go inside," "yeah let's go." Steve grabbed Eddie's hand as they walked into the school.

"I see it went well with you and Eddie, Harrington," Robin said teasingly," "shut up Robin!" Steve said punching her arm while Vicky laughed.

They danced for a bit until Eddie noticed, "hey Steve? You have a bloody nose," "what? Uh, I'll be back," Steve walked to the bathroom, hallway lights flickering, and a horrible headache.

"What the hell?" Steve touched the blood on his nose. Suddenly the lights turned off. "Hello?" Steve called out. "Steve," a deeper voice said. "Hello?" Steve asked again. This time a person walking out of the shadows.

"Eddie?" Eddie walks closer to Steve. Suddenly the whole area is red and dark with an abandoned house in front of Steve. "Eddie? Where'd you go?!" "It's not Eddie, Steve," a weird viney figure said walking toward Steve.

"Who are you?"

"Steve? Steve! Oh my god, Robin what's happening?!" "I don't know! I don't know what to do!" Robin cries.

"It's me, Eddie," "you aren't Eddie. Who are you!?" "Vecna."

"Robin get someone!" "Who?!" "Max, Dustin, Lucas, anyone!" Robin runs off back to the gym looking for Max, Dustin, or Lucas. "Come on Steve wake up!"

"Why are you doing this?" "Your father," "what about him?" "He did some horrible things to you, Steve," Vecna says transforming into Steve's dad. "Go away," "I don't think I can do that faggot."

"Eddie?!" Max says running into the bathroom with Robin. "Max he's floating!" "I uh what's his favorite song?!" "I don't know!" "What do you mean you don't know, Robin?! You're his best friend!" "I never asked! I've only ever seen him listen to the radio!"

"Don't call me that," "why? Are you scared it's true?" "No," "it's your time to go, Steve," "I don't want to!" "You have no choice," Vecna says hovering his hand over Steve's face.

"He's going to die!" Max yelled. "What? No! Do something Max please! Robin, can you think of anything?" "No, I can't!" "Shit shit shit!" Eddie cried falling to the floor.

"No, please! I don't want to go!" "Too late," Vecna started, making Steve suffer.

"Max...what's happening to him!?" "Oh my god, his bones max!" "I can't do anything!" "Steve I'm so sorry.." Steve finally fell to the floor falling into Eddie's arms while Eddie cried in Steve's chest. His eyes white, bones snapped, and mouth open. "Eddie come on! We have to go to the police!" "No! No, I can't just leave him here, Robin!" "We have to Eddie we don't have a choice!" Max grabbed Eddie's hand running with Robin out the school doors.

"So what did you say happened?" "He- he floated and then his- his bones started breaking!" Robin said taking a breath between each word trying not to cry. "How 'bout you kids go sit over there. We'll call an ambulance.

The police officer called the ambulance taking Steve and putting him in the ambulance.

He opened his eyes quickly and gasped, "where am I?!"

(Stop I decided to not make it as angsty as I would like it to be I'm so sorry if this chapter isn't what you wanted if you would like for me to make a dif version of this I will 😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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