T h r e e

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Steve woke up having a headache remembering he had work, "crap what time is it? 10?! Shit I'm going to be late," "Eddie? Eddie wake up! I'm-we're going to be late for work," "hmm?" Eddie groaned in a raspy voice making Steve's face heat up, "we're going to be late!" "Holy shit your right!" "I'm going to get going Robins going to be pissed!" "Okay bye!" Eddie yelled running to his room.

Steve got into his car and started it. He put his hands on the steering wheel looking down and remembering the black nail polish Eddie had put on his nails. "Why did I let him do this?" Steve whispered to himself.


Steve went into the back of the store to the bathroom fixing his hair for what was probably the billionth time that day. Even if it looked the same each time he thought it had to be perfect.

"Dude, can you take a break and help me out? I'm basically dying over here!" "Yeah coming," Steve yelled across the store. "Here, these are yours," the raspy voice said handing the movies over to Steve. In the middle of putting up the movies, a familiar chime signaling the front door opened startled Steve, "I'll be right there," Robin yelled walking over the front, "hey dingus your child is here!" "Henderson?" Steve asked coming to the front, "Henderson!" Dustin hugged Steve, "what are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with your friends," "I was I decided to come say hi sense I was already across the street saying hi to Eddie," "oh..you know him?" "Of course I do! I play DND with him," "oh that's cool...I guess," "we're all having a movie night do you and Robin want to come?" "Oh yea sure where?" "My house!" "Ok we'll be there. Bye, Henderson," "bye!"

So where'd the nail polish come from, Stevey?" "No where...and I told you to stop calling me that!" "You know I saw Eddie's nails too yesterday. You didn't happen to sleepover at Eddie's did you?" Robin smiled. "Well I mean..okay fine! I did go over to Eddie's but..." Steve said the last word loudly, "it wasn't romantic or anything like I said I like boobies, Robin," "mkay whatever you say."


"Hurry up and close up the store Steve we gotta go if you don't want to be late!" "Ok ok I'm coming!" "Here take my car Robin I'll just go with Eddie sense he isn't off work yet," Steve says tossing the car keys to Robin, "keep it kid friendly, Stevey!" Steve walks across the road flipping Robin off while doing so, "Eddie? Hello?" Steve asks walking in, "over here, Harrington," Eddie says excitedly getting out from under a car. "What is king Steve doing here? Couldn't wait to see me?" "Uhm no..I'm just waiting for you 'cause I didn't want you to be the last one there," "I see, well, I'm basically done I guess I can call it a night," Eddie grins. "My vans over here follow me."


Steve kept noticing Eddie taking glances at him, "is there something wrong?" "Yeah," Eddie says grabbing Steve's hand and lifting it up, "I messed up on your nails right here," Eddie frowns rubbing his thumb on Steve's finger. Steve quickly pulled away and faced towards the window making Eddie have the biggest grin on his face. "We're here," Steve quickly got out of the car knocking on Dustin's door. "You made it! We thought you guys weren't going to show up," "Yeah well Stevey here decided to be nice and wait for me to finish work," Eddie says putting his arm around Steve's shoulder. "We'll come guys hurry up we already started the movie!"


About half way through the movie almost everyone is asleep. Mike and el in one pair sleeping together, Lucas and Max, Nancy and Robin, and Dustin and Will sitting separate from each other (not meant to be a ship) on the very end of the couch are Eddie and Steve which Steve is practically already asleep his head resting on Eddie's shoulder.


The next morning mostly everyone had woken up early. Including Robin. She woke up to Eddie laying in a starfish position with his head on Steve's thigh while Steve was basically curled up in a ball. "Dustin? Dustin!" Robin and Max whisper yelled, "yeah?" Dustin still tired, "look at Eddie and Steve!" "Holy shit!" "I know right! Do you have a Polaroid?!" "Yeah let me get in." Dustin came back to the girls giving Robin the camera, "three...two...one...smile!" Robin said a bit to loudly making Steve wake up. Steve having a confused expression on his face starting to open his eyes and realized Eddie is laying on him, "OH MY GOD!" Steve yells getting up making Eddie wake up, "Robin..what did you do?" Steve said agitated. "I didn't do anything...except take a photo," Robin smirked holding up the Polaroid, "oh hey, it's me," Eddie said excitedly. "This isn't something to be happy about Eddie," Steve said, "why? I like the photo," "well I hate it," "here the photos yours Eddie," Robin says giving it to Eddie, "thanks!" "No problem!" "I'm going home," "remember? I have your keys, Stevey. Guess you have to go home with Eddie," "oh hell no. I'm not going with him that was embarrassing," "that wasn't embarrassing Steve. It's called love," "I'm not in love with Munson, Robin," "sure you aren't," Eddie said teasingly winking at Steve making Steve push him away."

By now everyone had woken up and left besides the grown ups. "Steve you'll have to leave with Eddie sense I'm staying here with Dustin, Nancy, and Mike," "fine I guess," "Hey Eddie can we go now?" "Sure come on," Eddie said grabbing Steve's hand and leaving.

"We're going to my trailer, okay?" "Why?" "Because I need to fix your nails, and what are you going to do alone?" "I guess you're right," Steve sighed.


"Welcome back to my castle, Steve," Eddie says grabbing Steve's hand again. "Sit on my bed I'll get the nail polish remover," "okay," "I'm back!" Eddie says sitting on the bed. "Give me your hand."

Eddie started cleaning up Steve's nails while Steve remembers the last time Eddie held his hand like this. "Is King Steve blushing?!" "What? No I'm not," "whatever," Eddie laughs. "Anyways I'm done," "thanks I guess," "no problem," "Hey Eddie? Do you have any clothes I could change into? I don't want to be in my work clothes all day again," "yeah sure." Eddie pulls out a plain black shirt and some sweatpants, "is this fine?" "Yeah that's fine." Steve walks to the bathroom to get changed then walks back into Eddie's room seeing him light a cigarette, "hey Stevey," "hey..?" "Wanna take a puff? Maybe you won't cough so munch this time," Eddie laughs. "Uh sure," Steve takes the cig out of Eddie's hands and takes a puff surprisingly not coughing. "Hey you didn't cough this time!" Eddie grins. "Yeah I guess I didn't," Steve smiles, "so you play guitar?" "Yup. Want me to play a song for you?" "Sure! But I better be good," Steve says pointing.

Here is ur chapter guys I hope you like it I tried making it longer than last chapter even tho it's only 1252 words (I'm sorry 😢) so be greatful🤬🤬 joke idrc how you feel about it but if I need to change anything let me know 🫶🫶

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