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(Credits to @i_heart_wolves and @badgerbabe1998 on TikTok for the ideas of this chapter 🫶)

It was the next morning and Steve woke up to his alarm blaring. Steve groaned getting out of his bed, getting dressed, and going to work. "Hey dingus!" "Hey Robin," "your car didn't break down this time right?" Robin said teasingly making Steve roll his eyes. "There's movies on the counter for you to put away," "okay, thanks Robin!" Steve mumbled to him self putting up the movies Robin not being able to hear him so she ignored it.

Steve's POV

"This is so stressful I don't not need to see Eddie. This is horrible. I hate this. I'm going to take my time with these movies just in case.

*ring* "Hey Steve, you have customer!" "Why can't you get it?" "Because...I'm doing something else," Robin basically yelling at Steve almost all the way across the store. Steve walked to the counter seeing Eddie and instantly turning, "uhm..hey Harrington?" "Yeah?" "I think I left my stuff in here from yesterday can I get it?" "Yeah sure." Eddie walked around the counter getting his stuff and playfully hitting Steve's back, "see you, Harrington," Eddie waved once again leaving the building. "Someone's flustered..." Robin laughs. "Shut up I'm not," "why are you red then?!" "I'm-I'm not Robin!" "Whatever you say," she says raising her hands up in defense.

No one had come into the store for a while and Robin was busy watching a movie in the Employee's Only room. He had nothing better to do then watch none other then Eddie Munson. He was fixing a car in his tank top and pants. He was getting up to grab one of his tools clearly seeing Steve staring at him. Eddie winked at Steve leaving him red and ducking under the counter hitting his head in the process. Robin broke out laughing at Steve, "how long have you been there, dude?" "Long enough to see your boyfriend wink at you and you hitting your head!!" Robin taking a break between each word to laugh. "He's not my boyfriend! I told you I don't like guys we're just...friends!" "Friends...to lovers," Robin mumbled. "What did you say?" "Nothing!" "Ugh" "why don't you go watch the movie, dingus. I'll watch the store," "..okay. Tell me if you need help," Robin have a thumbs up looking at Steve walk away to the empty room.


"Steve Eddie is here!" A moment of silence passed before Robin sent Eddie to go get Steve. "Steve?" Eddie questioned shaking Steve, "Harrington," Eddie says dragging the last letter, "hmm what Steve attempts to get up before Eddie stops him centimeters from their faces touching. "Woah dude watch out" Eddie smirks. "Yeah sorry I didn't mean to-" "it's fine don't worry dude but uh Robin called me back here to get you," "oh okay." Steve and Eddie walked out meeting Robin by the counter. "So I'll leave you guys alone...Steve take care of the story Robin yells running out of the store.

"So... I saw you wink at me earlier," Steve says lifting himself up to sit on the counter. "Well that was kind of the point," Eddie chuckles, "right..right," "There's something on your face by the way," "oh thanks," Eddie lifts up his tank top to wipe it away stopping half way through when he sees Steve looking away, "It's fine dude we're both guys," "yeah..yeah sorry." Eddie continues lifting his shirt making Steve stare, "what? You mesmerized by what you see?" Eddie says teasingly. "No not at all," Steve furrowed his brows, "I was just..looking at your tattoos.." "oh, what these?" Eddie says pulling down the neck of his shirt revealing a tattoo on his upper chest. "Yea that," "pretty nice right?" "Yeah sure" "I know you like them, Harrington. You were totally mesmerized," "shut up, Munson! I wasn't," "yeah..do you mind if I light a cig?" "I guess not." Eddie lights his cigarette and takes a hit, "you wanna try, Harrington? I know your probably the goody two shoes and all so-" "sure I'll try," Steve takes the cigarette from Eddie's hands and takes a puff. "Dude you sound like you're coughing your lungs up you ok?" Steve's coughs more before talking, "yeah I'm fine," "first time?" "Yeah." Eddie checks his watch, "shit I better get going," "hey wait, Eddie, before you go can I go with you? My parents are never home and I'm not really doing anything," "uh yeah sure I guess," Eddie chuckles. "Let's go." Steve takes his car and Eddie takes his own Steve following Eddie.


"So, this is where I live ya like it?" Eddie says lifting his arms showing off his trailer "yeah," Steve chuckles. They get to the door and Eddie says, "after you, Harrington," "..thanks, Munson," Steve says walking in, "sorry for the mess I wasn't expecting anyone," "it's fine I don't really mind. So where's your bathroom?" "Down the hall two doors to the left," Eddie says cleaning up beer cans and clothes, "kay thanks." Steve walks to the bathroom, locks the door, and puts his hands on the rim of the sink, "what am I doing this is crazy...whatever it's too late now!" Steve walks out of the bathroom and into Eddie's room to see him changing, "oh sorry I didn't know," Steve exclaims looking away. "...it's fine you can look now," Steve looked back at Eddie who was wearing a band shirt and sweatpants. He walked into his room seeing a bunch of posters and a mess. Steve walks over to Eddie's desk seeing clutter and some nail polish. He lifts up the nail polish and asks, "do you paint your nails with this?" "Yeah how else would I do it? Want me to do yours?" "Uh sure," "come here," Eddie says patting a spot by him on the bed. Steve sits down and hands him the nail polish. "Hold out your hand," Eddie grabs his hand and starts painting Steve's nails occasionally making eye contact. Steve could feel blush forming on his face from how close him and Eddie were, "there done with one hand. What do you think?" "I guess it looks..fine," "okay! Other hand." Steve gives Eddie his other hand and again Eddie holds it making Steve blush again.


"All done," Eddie smiled. "We're matching now," "yeah I guess we are, and now Robin won't quit talking about it the next time she sees me," Steve laughs. "What time is it?" "Almost 11, why?" "Crap uh can I stay here? I can sleep on the couch," "no it's fine I can sleep on the couch you can sleep on my bed," "you sure?" "Yeah I wouldn't say that if I wasn't sure," "right..right," "so uh I'll go to the couch now...goodnight," "night, Munson."

UGHHHHSHSH I hate how short I made this chapter 🤬🤬 I'm sorry I ran out of ideas 😭 I'll try to make the next chapter longer

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