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Small backstory

During second year of highscool at U.A. Izuku snd Uraraka formed 'feelings' toward each other. By feelings, only Uraraka developed them towards the other male. Due to peer pressure by everyone they eventually started dating.

They both graduated college a few months ago and the brunette wants to move in with her boyfriend but, Izuku has other plans and it trying to stall as much time as possible

Present time
Izuku pov

I've been sitting at my desk answering calls and emails to construction companies and land owners. I'm trying to start my own restaurant and it's much harder than I thought it would be. There's an area I've been trying to get a hold of but someone else apparently also wants it so, we have been fighting over it.

Ping! Ping! Ping!

My phones been going off for the past 10 minutes, I know who it is, my girlfriend. She's been texting me nonstop but I'm not in the mood to respond to her right now. Let me get one thing straight.

I'm gay.

And no one knows

Except one person...

Now I know what your thinking, why am I in a relationship what a girl if I'm gay? Well that's an excellent question I wish I knew the answer to.

It all started second year of high school, me and Ura were best friends and that's all I saw her as but, she felt more than just friends towards me. I found out in was gay a few months prior and I was excited to come out to everyone but, my parents, friends, classmates and teachers pressured me to ask her out. I caved in a did it. I hated every time I kissed and and did romantic things together but I eventually got used to it I guess. That was until she wanted to have sex. It was terrible.

We've been dating for six years.

I've thought about breaking up with her plenty of times but I haven't yet. I mean imagine if someone you've been dating for SIX years comes and tell you they are gay and they've known the whole time you've been together? You'd be pissed.

The problem now is she wants to take it to the next step. Moving in and 'settling down'. She's dropped hints of wanting to get married and have kids but I tell her I'm not ready. She's too persistent though and won't let up. I'm not even ready to settle down yet, my career is just now starting and I can't focus on a family.

My friends have been bugging me too, to propose and move in, have kids all that gross stuff. But I'm just not ready. If it comes down to it I might have to tell her I'm gay. I still love Ura but not in that way and having kids would break me. If I do come out it would devastate her and I might loose my friends.

With the stress of my relationship and trying to get my restaurant underway I've been moody and yelling at basically everyone who tries to talk to me. If she doesn't stop fucking texting me she's going to be next. I kind of feel bad but at the same time I don't. I really need some sort of stress relief but the way I used to do it won't work right now. Sex.

Me and Ura have had sex a few times and it's not great. She won't ever let me fully put it in and she always makes me go slow. I don't know how she's even feeling pleasure from it. It usually ends with her giving me a handjob. She doesn't like the way condoms feel in her nor does she want to take birth control so when I'm close we usually end it with a hand job. It's not great but, it was one of  my main ways I get rid of stress. We haven't fucked in months and I'm so pent up. I can't even get hard when thinking about her, I always have to think about my ass getting absolutely pounded by a tall muscular man to get turned on during sex.

I've dug myself a hole so deep I won't ever be able to climb out.

Ping! Ping! Ping!

I had enough of my phone constantly going off so I shot her a quick text, 'shut the fuck up' and muted her.

I continue back to answering emails hoping I can get the land. It's a decent area in the city near us and would be excellent for customers. Someone else has their sights set on it too but, I just have to outbid them to get the land. My moms pretty wealthy so we have no trouble finding the project.

An hour later

I let out a big sigh and fall back into my chair. I did it! I actually did it! I got the land and since we already have a construction company in mind they can scout the place tomorrow and start building almost immediately!!! Ive been fighting for this place for weeks and for me to finally get it is mind blowing! I start to jump up and down in excitement then fall on my bed squealing like a high school girl.

I need to tell my friends!

_____Best friends!!!_____

Izuku- GUYS GUESS WHAT!! I GOT THE AREA I WAS TALKING ABOUT AND WE CAN FINALLY BUILD MY RESTAURANT😄😄 Everything else is already done so it will be finished in about a month or so!!! Isn't this amazing I'm so excited 🥳🥳🥳

Ida- ...

Ashido- really dude?

Izuku- what? I thought you'd be excited for me...🙁

Shoto- We would maybe, if your GIRLFRIEND isn't telling us your ignoring her and telling her to 'shut the fuck up'

Tsu- Yeah Midoriya, we expected better from you. Is a dumb restaurant worth more than your future wife?

Izuku- Dumb restaurant?

Izuku- You know, this has been my dream since elementary and all I thought about throughout college. To see it actually happening is mind blowing. My dream is ACTUALLY coming true despite everyone doubting me. You know how much this meant to me.

Izuku- I've told you guys countless times I'm focusing on my career above everything else so I have have a steady future. So yeah maybe it is worth more than my girlfriend!!

Izuku- It hurts..I thought you'd be happy for me but I guess not. 🙁 your just focused on a stupid ass relationship that isn't even yours.

Izuku has muted the chat 'best friends!!!'


I don't know when I started crying but, the tears won't stop. This happens every fucking time. I can't ever be happy.

It's always Uraraka this and Uraraka that. I can't take I anymore. I upset her, she tells everyone, they gang up on me, I'm made out to be the bad guy and apologize to her. It happens every time. Well maybe this time. I won't apologize. I'm tired of living this way.

It's always been my dream to own a famous restaurant and be a world wide known chef. Everyone told me I couldn't because of my skills but I proved them wrong. I got into the best college there is and graduated. Everyone's always doubted me. When I talked about finally starting that dream everyone shut me down and told me to focus on my girlfriend. Everything always comes back to her, of course it does.

I don't remember what happened the rest of the night, All i remember is crying, drinking, and passing out.

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