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Katsuki pov

At the party I was getting all buddy buddy with Kirishima to maybe hope take my mind off things but, it didn't help when i saw Deku arrive. He looked like absolute shit, I mean I would too if I got caught cheating.

When he got the dare to explain why he cheated, I heard him say he liked me and a lot of other stuff. My mind got stuck on the semi-love confession. When he ran out I quickly got up and ran after him which got me some weird looks and comments but, I didn't care. I needed to talk to him.

I watched him through the window breaking down, my heart was telling me to give him a hug and comfort him but my head told me he doesn't deserve it so, I didn't. When I saw he was about to leave I quickly tapped on the window asking to talk.

"Y-yeah..okay..." I got in the passengers side and road to his house. None of us spoke a word.


We both went into his house and sat on his couch, neither of us knew what to say.

I like him, a lot and the more we had sex the more I wanted him to be mine. I might as well get this conversation going. "Soooo....." was all I could say. I internally face Palmed myself.

"Kacchan....listen...I um like you. Y-yeah....I have for awhile but I thought you just wanted sex and I too caught up in my s-stupid relationship to do anything, I'm sorry for hurting y-you..." he quietly spoke. He looked like he wanted to cry again. "I don't know why I even agreed to this shit anyways, I just ended up hurting all three of us huh..."

I let out a small chuckle which made his eyes shift to me. "You really are dumb...idiotic...stupid..." I spoke. "I dropped so many hints but you were too dense to figure notice."

"Y-yeah..." he turned away from me and looked everywhere but my face, "so...what are we..." he asked.

"What do you want to be?" Part of me was hoping he would say more than just friends but my other half just wanted to end whatever this was. "I-I'm not the best with words so...can I show you instead?"

I nodded in response. He shifted over and I see emerald green orbs looking at me. He slowly leaned in and hesitated for a moment but, eventually locked lips with me. It wasn't like our other kisses that were rough and full of lust no, this kids was full of love and passion. Something I've been wanting for so long. We stayed like that for awhile, kissing and hugging each other. It was like nothing else mattered but us and I wish it never ended. Unfortunately, the universe hates me and I had to breathe. I pulled away starting at him in his eyes with a really flushed face.

Once we composed ourselves I spoke up, "So, how about we start over? And not just skip straight to sex." He let out a small giggled and pulled my face closer to us, foreheads touching. "I would love that." As much I tried not to a smile couldn't help but escape.

"Well then, Izuku Midoriya, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask." And with that I pulled us in for another mind blowing kiss, almost as good as the first one.

5 months later

"I'm heading out! I'll be back later love you!" I heard a yell from the kitchen and a door shut.

Me and Izuku didn't rush our relationship and took it slow, started with a few dates then eventually dating. After dating for awhile we moved in together and it's been amazing. We even adopted a cat that I didn't really want but, I can't say no to Izuku so I gave in.

Uraraka and Izuku still haven't spoken to each other, they just avoid each other every time everyone's hanging out. Our other friends weren't fully on board with our relationship either but they came around when they realized we were serious about this. Our parents supported us as well, they already knew I was gay and wasn't surprised when Izuku came out gay. My old hag said she always 'had a feeling.' Whatever that means.

Our restaurants have also been doing amazingly well, we are still competing of course but I finally caught up. I like to say I beat him but in reality we are both tied, for now at least.

We may have started off on a bad foot by skipping straight to sex but, we eventually found ourselves and I couldn't be happier right now. Everything is almost perfect.


The problem is I don't have a husband yet. It's too early to ask so I decided to do it for our one year. I hope he says yes.

Because I fell deeply in love and don't want to get out.

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