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Izuku pov

It's been about two months since that night happened. I ended up calling Ura the next day and we made up, fucked, then we spent the rest of the day watching movies together.

On the bright side, my restaurant is fully built and I hired the best chefs and waitresses around. It look a bit to settle on the menu but I think people will really like it!

It's only been open for a week and business has been booming, customers seem to really love the menu as I thought! I heard there's also a different restaurant that was being built around the same time as mine. I didn't catch the name of it but it's down the street from mine.

"Babyyy!!" I heard a voice followed by someone hugging me from behind, "oh hey Ura! How you been?" I have her a kiss on the cheek and turned around to hug her back.

"Pretty good! I see your restaurant has been a huge success so far, I'm really happy for you." She gave me one of her big warm smiles.

My restaurant was closed and I was just finishing the past preparations when I heard the door open.

Katsuki pov

I'm really pissed.

1. I haven't gotten laid in two months
2. Someone else took the spot I wanted for my restaurant
3. They have been more successful than I have

I've never felt this level of defeat in my life snd it's been eating me away. I was bidding against some person over some dumb land for a restaurant when I gave in because I found another. That exact restaurant opened around the same time I did and their business has been successful. More than mine.

I closed down for the day and decided to go to this 'amazing' restaurant everyone's been talking about and meet the owner. Just wanna see what he or she is all about. Whoever it is must be some bigshot.

I walked down the street while texting Kirishima, me and him still kept in touch after high school. From what I've heard he still talks to most of the class me however, I only really talk to him, Mina, sero and Kaminari. Everyone else can go suck my dick.

Me and Kirishimas relationship is, I don't know how to put it, weird? During college we were friends with benefits, when he confessed to me I turned him down and we stopped fucking. Now we just have an awkward friendship going on.

It wouldn't the first time I fucked one of my friends for pleasure though.

Anyways, I go to the restaurant to see it closing but I see two people still inside, I'm assuming one is the owner. I try the door and to my surprise it opens. I walk in but what I see next I was not prepared for.

"Sorry but we are clo- Kacchan?" I heard the voice say, I look up and see my one and only childhood best friend. He's sitting here with that bubbly bitch practically on his lap. When he realized it was me his eyes grew wide. We both stood there frozen. Don't tell me he is the owner. He finally decided to speak up, "Kacchan....w-what are you doing h-here..." I didn't know what to respond with. All I could do is stand there.

Now here's a little backstory, I wouldn't be this surprised to see him. I mean we have mutual friends and knew each other our whole life. It's just how our little 'friendship ended.'

During high school my hormones were crazy as hell, so were his. We both wanted to experiment to see if we liked men. That ended up forming a sort of fuck buddies relationship. When one of us wanted something we went over to the others dorm and fucked. We did this for about a year until he said he was dating Uraraka and our "fun times" needed to stop. We barely talked to each other after that.

I'll be honest, I had feelings for him the whole time, I knew I was gay and I know he is too so I hoped we would become something more than just fuck buddies. When I found out he was dating a girl though, my whole world came crashing down. It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. After that I stopped trying to get with him and let myself drown in sorrow. I thought I got over him but looking at him now, I was so wrong. His body has matured and he let his hair grow out a slight but and he was making it work. The shirt he was wearing you can see the outline his abs and muscles. I would be lying if I said my lower half wasn't getting excited.

What stopped all those thoughts was that brunette bitch all over him. Are they still together? I didn't know he had it in him to be honest or maybe he actually was straight and just using me. Neither options I liked.

After what felt like hours of just starting there I spoke up, "Um, are you the owner?" I tried sounding confident but I didn't think it was working. "Ura why don't you go wait outside so we can talk okay? I'll be out in a bit." She nodded and gave him a peck on the cheek and left. It was only me and him in the room. "Heyy Kacchan been awhile hasn't it? Why don't you come to the back with me and we can catch up. I finally got a chance to get rid of that bitch and I want to savor it for as long as I can." He smiled and led me to to back; "And to answer your question, I do own this place. Take a seat." We both sat down and there was an awkward silence. This useless loser own this place?

"So Um...what brings you here?" He asked. "Oh well...you must of been that persistent twat who was trying to get this spot? I own the restaurant down the street." I paused for a moment trying to take in everything, "I came to see who owned this place, I thought it was going to be some big-shot business man yet, I find a loser." His eyes reverted to the floor and left my gaze.

"Haha...oh...sorry about that..yeah I guess I am a loser huh?" A small chuckle escaped his lips.

"Didn't know you were straight." I scoffed. I'll admit I'm jealous.

"Kacchan you know I'm gay. I don't know what I'm fucking doing anymore. I don't love her! She wants to get married and still doesn't know im gay! I don't know what to do...." He sounded very stressed. It was kind of hot seeing him like this.

I signed and got up from my chair and made my way to him. "K-Kacchan...?" he whispered. I leaned down to where we were at eye level. Without thinking my hand caressed his cheek and my other was feeling up his shirt. "K-Kacchan....I'm taken...s-sto-" I shut him up my placing my lips on his. I shouldn't be doing this but I'm desperate. I want to fuck someone so bad and now that I know hes still gay I wonder if he will let me hit.

To my surprise he kissed back, it felt like fireworks were going off in my stomach for the first time in years. I missed this so much. He seemed to miss it just as much as I did. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer, almost on his lap as we devoured each other like we were our last meals. I kept biting his lip asking for an entrance but, Deku denied it. I was getting irritated and deepened our kiss, touching his chest through his shirt. I received some whimpers from the smaller male in response. I wish they could of gone on forever but, we both desperately needed oxygen so I pulled away; only a small string of saliva connecting us. We were both panting harshly.

"Kacchan...I...I can't do this....I have a girlfriend...and...." Before he could finish I put my finger to his mouth shushing him. "Deku listen, I'll be honest here, I wanna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for weeks. By that kiss you obviously want me too so why don't we continue what we did in high school?" I started grinding my half hard cock against his. "Your girlfriend doesn't need to know anything about this~ if you don't tell then I won't tell." I heard the door open so I quickly jumped off him leaving him flustered.

"Izu? You have been in there for awhile I was getting worried..." she peeked her head in the door, glaring at me. Deku couldn't bare to look up at her. "O-oh we are fine d-don't worry! Just talking about b-business stuff that's all..."

"I guess I should take my leave," I handed him a card with my number on it. "Think about my offer, text me if you have any questions, I'll be waiting."

And with that I left them alone to head back to my apartment.

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