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Izuku pov

"Uraraka....I'm gay. I've known the whole time but, I was t-too scared to tell you. I d-didn't want to be left alone or h-hurt you.....I'm so...so...s-sorry."

She didn't say anything. Tears just streamed down her cheeks and she left.

I fell back on my bed and started crying too. We argued for what felt like forever until I finally told her. I thought coming out was supposed to be a happy thing. All I feel is pain.

I grabbed my phone and tried calling Kacchan, I really need his comfort right now. No response. It went to voicemail three times then I decided to text him. No response.

I threw my phone in anger and cried into my pillow. Did he really mean all the stuff he said? Does he love me? Did he want to be more than just friends with benefits? All these thoughts clouded my kind about him. I knew I liked him but, I kept telling myself I didn't and pushed my feelings aside. I thought if I did that the no one would get hurt. But here we all, all three of us ended up getting hurt in the process.

I should of never taken up his offer for sex. Actually, I shouldn't of let this relationship go this far in the first place! I fucked everything up and all I want right now is Kacchan who probably doesn't want to talk to me.

I soon fell into a very unpleasant sleep where my dreams were only filled with Kacchan.


I woke up to my alarm blasting in my ear. I got up and turned it off, rubbing my eyes to wake myself up. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom to try and make myself I wasn't crying all night. I think I did well.

I went to find some clothes that look presentable enough, grabbed my phone off the floor and went and laid on my couch. Today was the day of that dumb party. I really didn't want to go but it's a thing she holds every year and I always come. By now I bet everyone knows what I did so I doubt they want me there. I wouldn't want me there either.

I was hoping Kacchan texted me back but he didn't even open them. I wanted to cry again but I didn't let myself. I shouldn't be the one crying over this, I'm the one who caused all of this so I should deal with the consequences.

I saw a lot of texts from various people but I didn't bother clicking on any of them. I just aimlessly scrolled on social media until I found myself taking a nap.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I awoke to my alarm on my phone going off, letting me know to get ready for the party. I sighed and got off my spot from the couch. I won't both changing into anything nicer because I think I'll get kicked out or something I don't know. I'll just go there and drop off the stuff I promised to bring and leave, yeah.

I grabbed the bag of stuff, it was basic party stuff like balloons and streamers along with some snacks for the party.

I walked out the door making sure to lock it and headed off to my car. When I was driving there it felt like my whole body was shaking I was so nervous. When I pulled up there were a lot of cars already parked I must of gotten here a bit late. I tried calming myself down a little bit before getting out and knocking on the door. I felt like I was going to throw up.

After a few seconds the door opened and I was greeted by a very angry looking Mina. I then felt a sting on my cheek. "You know you really have some nerve coming here."

"I know...I j-just came to drop off the stuff I promised..." I avoided her gaze at any point given. She sighed and pushed me in her house where I felt everyone's gaze on me. At the counter I saw Shoto and Momo chatting away. Ida, Tsu and Uraraka were sitting in a circle on the rug while she cried in their arms. Sero, Denki, Kirishima and....Kacchan were on the couch. They all looked up at me in disgust. I set the stuff on the table and head for the door. I had no emotion. I went to grab the door knob when I was stopped. "Since your here you might as well stay, plus I did invite you...." I heard mins say. I sighed and sat at the table where no one was at and put my head down. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to go home and cry. I wanted Kacchan most of all but he doesn't want to see me right now.

Everyone ignored me and went back to what they were doing and as more people filled the house the more the party went on. Some people here got wasted and Denki thought it would be a good idea to play truth or dare. He was crazy drunk and dragged me into the carpet to play. No one bothered to talk to me and I don't blame them.

The game went on and no one asked me any questions thankfully, I just sat there and watched most of the time. Some people lost their clothes, some had to do dumb childish dares and some were made to kiss each other. I saw Kacchan get really close to Kirishima and I swear I saw their hands touching. He also kept glaring at me the whole time I was here. It really hurt me seeing him act like this towards me, I know he's doing it to get back at me but I can't help but feel hurt. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my name called. "Midoriya truth or dare?" I heard Shoto ask. I just shrugged in response. I didn't bother trying to form words because if I did, I think I'd cry.

"Okayyy...well why don't you answer this, why did you cheat on Uraraka?" He asked bluntly. Everyone gasped and started at me wanting an answer. I guess this is the most perfect I'll get to tell them. I took in a deep breath trying to prepare myself.

"I'm gay and, I've known since high school. When I figured it out I was excited to tell everyone but you all pressured me into a relationship I didn't even want! Every time I tried getting out of it you guys pressured me even more to stuff! When Kacchan and me encountered each other again, he told me we should hookup again and that he won't tell Uraraka. I accepted his proposal and we started having sex. I've liked him ever since middle school and my feelings came surfacing back up but I kept pushing the aside because I thought it was best. Turns out it wasn't and I ended up hurting both of them." I said it all in one go and quickly stood up to leave when I felt someone tackle me to the ground, it was Uraraka, crying. "What the hell?" I said trying to get her off me.

"Your a piece of shit Izuku, you know that? You led me on for SIX years and led someone else on as well for your own pleasure. Your selfish and worthless. I hate you and so does everyone else here." She was sobbing terribly and shaking. I pushed her off me and ran for the door. I can't handle this anymore.

I quickly left and I heard some people say my name. When I got to my car i locked myself in and started to breakdown again. This time the tears wouldn't stop and no matter how much I tried to compose myself I couldn't stop. I regret coming here, I regret dating Uraraka, I regret leading her on. I regret everything I've done that's led up to this moment.

I decided to just say fuck it and drive home while acting like a mess until I felt someone tap the glass. I looked over to see Kacchan. He wouldn't look me in the eyes. I rolled my window down which made him jump. "Y-yes...?"

"Can I uh...ride home with you...we really need to talk about...stuff."

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