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Katsuki pov

Deku went home the next day and apologized to Uraraka who forgave him. It really pissed me off.

Okay so what if I like him still, it's not like I can have him. He's too stubborn to notice all the hints I've been dropping and he's too concerned about his dumb pointless girlfriend to date me. I hate this feeling. It's been two weeks since that happened. I wish he would just leave her already but, luckily for me I have a plan. He just doesn't know about it.

I'm laying in my bed bored and extremely horny. I pull out my phone and go to my messages.

______My Izuku_____

Katsuki- Come over

My Izuku- Ura is sleeping on my chest right now I can't

Katsuki- Fuck her. Come over I want you

My Izuku- Sorry Kacchan maybe tomorrow night after work?

Katsuki- It's not fair.

My Izuku- What do you mean

Katsuki- That she gets all your time and attention and I dont.

My Izuku- Kacchan she's my girlfriend, I have to spend time with her. Plus we are just friends with benefits.

Katsuki- Just friends with benefits, really?

My Izuku- Isn't that what you told me a few weeks ago? We are just friends for the sex, nothing else.

Katsuki- Okay well maybe I lied, whatever I don't care. Bye.

I can't believe I just told him that, now he's gonna know. Fuck. Whatever I hope he forgets all about it.

I relieve myself of this aching boner and go to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.


I woke up and headed to work, I saw I had some texts and a miscall from Deku but I didn't bother to see what they were, I couldn't deal with that right now.

I got in inside and opened up my restaurant. This is going to be a long day.


It was closing time and I was just finishing up cleaning when I got another text from the nerd. I open it to see 'are you still coming?' I respond with yes and head out the door.

When I get there I don't see him in the front so I wonder farther into the building. I go to the break room to see him standing there, lost in thought.

I walk up behind him and smack his ass, making him jump. "Kacchan! What the hell?!" His face turned red and I just laughed at his reaction. I grabbed his ass with more force and lick his neck. "Hey Izuku."

"Kacchan I said stop doing this stuff in public....." he whined and shove me away. I know he doesn't want me to but, I can't help it. He's too hot. I secretly hope that floaty bitch walks in on me touching him and breaks up with him so I can have him to myself. No luck yet. I scoff and walk to one of the chairs in the break room and sit down.

This is our routine, I come over after work, we hangout either here or somewhere else then we head back to my place and fuck. He don't really go to his anymore, only if we are hanging out.

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