Oneshot: Psychological tests

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I was strolling through the library when a book in the new releases aisle caught my eye. After closer inspection, it was titled 'Psychological tests'. It had a purple spine with the title on it and the cover had the inside of a brain supposedly showing that the tests reach into the depths of a person's mind.

"It's kind of tacky," I muttered.

Psychological tests such as this often rely on the Barnum effect. It's a cognitive bias in which people naturally gravitate to general statements and make it relate to them. It's not surprising that this happens since people like to hear things about themselves and it also may show a desirable future outcome.

I say this but I've already booked this and am now walking out of the library with the book in my hand. I suppose that my curiosity got the better of me.

I heard the bell ring so I wasn't even able to open the book, so I reluctantly put it in my bag and headed to class.

2 hours later, school is now over. Japanese history is a pretty boring subject when I've learnt all of it already, but I could say that about all subjects. Since the bell rang students were naturally walking out of the classroom but I couldn't wait so I pulled the book out.

"Ayanokouji, what are you reading?" Horikita said to me as she walked past.

"A book."

"Yes. I can tell, but what is it called?" Horikita might leave if I keep teasing her like this.

"It's just a book about psychological tests," I said.

Horikita was a little surprised but she sat down in the empty seat next to me with a look of intrigue, "These books are purely for entertainment but since you're actually reading something in the class it must be worth looking at."

She seemed to have some expectations now, but I hadn't even opened the book yet.

"I guess I'll just go to a random one then," I said as I flicked through the pages.

The page I chose was random but the way it was formatted was interesting. There were some questions on the page but next to the page number there was another number in brackets with the words 'answer page' next to them. It seems that once you read the question you can go to the assigned page and find out the answer.

I began reading the question out, "An old man was walking through the forest. While walking something appeared before him, what was it? The answers are a rabbit, a wolf or a candle."

"Hmm," Horikita looked like she was in intense thought, honestly this is the most focused I may have ever seen her.

"I'll choose the candle," Horikita said with determination.

"I guess I'll choose the rabbit then," I said as I flicked through the pages for an answer.

Upon arriving on the answer page I located the question number I picked and read out the answer, "If you chose the rabbit then you wish for the warmth and purity of the rabbit, but you are prone to loneliness."

I guess it's not wrong.

"If you chose the wolf then you seek the strength and ferociousness of the wolf, but you are also prone to loneliness," Horikita's choice was now next.

Horikita was now hanging onto every word I said, "If you chose the candle then, seriously, you're really prone to loneliness," It seems that they didn't even try for that one.

Horikita looked outraged, "What a garbage book! They didn't even try for me," Horikita said loudly, "I don't think you should listen to that book, Ayanokouji."

"You think so?"

"If you want to keep reading that garbage then go ahead."

"I just think you're mad at you're result."

"I am not! Fine. Do whatever you want," Horikita said as she walked out of the room with a frustrated expression.

"I guess that I should head back too," I said as I picked up my bag and walked out.

I had a small date with Kei in the afternoon, but since I had nothing to do I just cleaned my room until she got here.

I heard a knock on the door after 15 minutes and when I opened the door Kei was there. I didn't even allow her to go in, she just went in as if it was her home. I guess I should expect that though. We talked about trivial things and even did some studying although Kei was very reluctant and asked for help from me for almost every question.

"Ugh. This is torture, a new type of torture! Can I have a break Kiyotaka, please?" She complained.

"I guess so, there's no point in continuing if you can't focus," I sighed.

Kei looked delighted but as she put her pen down her eyes turned to the book I had, "Hey Kiyotaka, wanna do one of these?" She said thrilled.

"It's your break so if you want to then we can," I picked up the book and flipped to another random page.

"You have the ability to take one thing to a deserted island where no one can reach you. There isn't any cellphone service or technology and you aren't allowed to take anything fictional, what do you bring?"

A place where no one can reach me, huh? I would already be content with that.

"I guess that I would take... OH I'll take a tent," Kei's response was basic but practical.

"I guess I'll take ice cream," Kei looked bewildered.

"Why would you take that out of everything?" Kei giggled

"I like ice cream," I wanted ice cream, nothing more, nothing less.

"Whatever. What's the answer anyway?"

I looked through the answer and read it out, "The item you brought shows the first impression you give to your loved ones."

Kei had chosen a tent. A tent is a piece of shelter and shelter is something that humans need to protect themselves from harm. I guess it just shows that Kei is wanting to protect herself which is the first impression that I got from her.

"I don't think you gave off the impression of ice cream at first," Kei laughed.

"Ok. Breaks over, back to studies," If I had ever complained about wanting a break then my punishment would wary from a simple 'no' to physical pain.

"You're relentless, Sensei," Kei pouted.

We completed our study session and Kei went on her way. It was getting to be time for dinner, so I made some food and kept on reading through some more tests.

After waking up the next morning I went to the library to finish the last question there and then I could return it with no worry in the future. I chose a nice couch and flipped over to the final query.

'You walk outside in the night and look up to the sky. How many stars do you see?"

What a simple question. It didn't even need any thought.

The answer was zero. The sky was pitch black and empty. There was no light at all.

I found the answer on the last page.

'The number you chose is the number of happy memories you'll make with your friends,'

"I see," I muttered.

Although it's just a test, I couldn't help but think about it. I'm here simply by chance, there's nothing more to my existence at this school. I might not even be in this school tomorrow. The only reason I'm here is because that's what I desire, if not for luck then I would be stuck in my own white prison.

"I'm probably reading too much into it," I mumbled.

Authors Note:

Just a small oneshot chapter. These don't really have any effect on the plot and are just here because I'm bored. The chapters that don't have reactions but do affect the plot are the interludes, I have plans for some more but the next interlude won't come out until after vol 7.

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