Engrave your Name in the Student's Heads

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No change within the school had happened on a surface level.

But there definitely was a change, this nearly imperceptible change so small you would blink and miss it.

However, no one said anything.

There was no gossip, no chats, not even rumours. No one acknowledges it even slightly.

"Well, let's get into the batch of videos that include the holidays of the former first years."

But, I can't help but wonder, what was that announcement about?

And it seems I wasn't the only person.

"What was that announcement? I'm curious now, it seemed a little important," Nagumo mused.

"Ah right, that. You see, this batch of videos will be the final one. In total, there are 4 videos. More details will be explained during the last one."

The atmosphere changed rapidly.

But, I can't help but be a little glad.

My time in the constant spotlight would be lessened, ever so slightly.

But it also means that some things I hadn't done yet were now going to be put into full effect. My meeting with the Ayanokouji Group, for one. I wonder what they'll say now. After all this time, so many months, they finally had to make a choice. Maybe their answer hadn't changed, maybe it had, I'll find out soon enough.

"So it's all over now, huh?" Kei told me.

Yagami, who was now sitting in Kei's seat a good distance away, was scowling at the voice's words. I expected him to not do something like this, but perhaps, just maybe, he wanted to make things somewhat more normal. But that's just a guess I have, I suppose.

"I plan to observe what Nagumo wants to do. If he really plans to change the entire grade, no, the entire school into a meritocracy, I'll have to witness it first before making any judgements."

I decided to tell him about my future plans without hiding it.

"So that's it, huh. You're advancing to a higher level than me."

"You flatter me."

It just meant that I had no intention to stop Nagumo, as well as having no means to stop it. It wouldn't be so bad if I merely observed what Nagumo would do to this school.

A rich get richer, poor get poorer type of system was one he wanted to create.

"If I had full control, I really think I'd be able to do it well," Nagumo grumbled.

In terms of accomplishments, the OAA was the only thing that really supported his 'individualistic' mentality.

"The island exam was half-assed, yeah. Solo groups barely made 20% of the major groups," Hashimoto pointed out.

One example of this could be Akito in his group. Within that group, he was surely the one who did the most heavy lifting, bringing Airi and Haruka to safety. If he was in a solo group, Airi would be doomed to be expelled.

However, due to the grouping system, she was saved. A clear denial of Nagumo's goals.

"The school didn't allow me to make everyone solo. As I said, if I had my way, many exams would be different," Nagumo told him.

Hashimoto seemed to be interested, "Oh yeah, and what are these changes exactly?"

"Well, to begin with, the concept of groups wouldn't be abandoned, but it would need to be earned. To create a group, you would need a card that allows you to get a member. The only people who would get cards are those who showed great improvement or have the highest overall stats in a specific area of their OAAs. If you don't have a card, you're not good enough to create a group, simple as that," Nagumo shrugged.

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