I'll battle you on the stage of your choosing

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Time is an interesting thing. Time is objective and the rate can't change, but it always feels like it changes depending on the person. When a person has fun time goes by fast, when a person is in school time goes by slowly. I suppose it's a little cruel because the way humans are designed means that joy goes by fast but boredom and anxiety go by slowly.

Time has always felt linear to me. Even with Matsuo, the rate didn't change. But recently, it feels different. Days go by faster and faster. I first felt this during the days when I met up with the Ayanokouji Group, but it seems to be the norm now.

However, I don't know why. If time goes by faster when a person is doing something enjoyable then the days must all be enjoyable. Though, that isn't the case. My days have the same amount of feeling as the rest of them.

"Today will be the finale of the Paper Shuffle exam. There will be 3 videos but the 3rd video is very short and lasts only a few minutes."

I was snapped from my thoughts due to the voice's announcement.

Time ticked away as we continued to cram for the upcoming exams.

Students' spirits dipped under the onslaught of grueling, endless work they had to do. December arrived, and the final exam was less than three days away. Tomorrow, we'd be off for the weekend, the final exam waiting for us on Monday.

To be honest, the exam itself wasn't too dangerous. As far as the Class D students were concerned, we were more united than ever. The study groups were producing amazing results. Even Sudou and the other slackers did their best. The issues were Ryuuen and Kushida. They'd been making their moves behind the scenes, without a doubt. However, I could read them pretty easily.

"Looking down on me even in your mind, huh? I guess you have the ability to do that," Ryuuen clicked his tongue.

If I responded with something along the lines of 'I was just being objective' he would probably be even more annoyed.

"I guess it wouldn't be dangerous as long as you did the work. The exam would just be the end of the process," Matsushita said.

"I agree with that, to an extent. The exam doesn't only mean the test. The creation of the exam questions would be even more important than the test you would have to do," Sakayanagi countered.

While the test you take is important the opposing class would be studying just as had. The test allows for more freedom and it's even possible to make deals with other classes.

"Kushida, I'm assuming that whether or not there was a bet, you would betray the still betray your class," Nagumo probed.

"Yeah. The bet didn't really have much benefit since all it did was give me a specific opening," Kushida responded.

This candid Kushida seems to be staying for a while. I suppose that's because the class has left her alone for now.

Ryuuen's two goals were to beat Class D, and to smoke out the puppet master hiding behind Horikita. If he wanted to win in overall points, that limited his tactics. The best he could do was get Class C to study extra hard, or come up with extremely difficult test problems, both of which were relatively ordinary strategies.

I didn't know how fully Class C had united, or if they'd studied extensively. We hadn't seen them in the café, the library, the classrooms, or anywhere else. Was it simple coincidence? Or were the Class C students working somewhere in secret? Even if they did study extra hard, as long as they didn't surpass Class D, we'd be fine. At any rate, though, I had no idea what their strategy was. I'd be able to figure it out if I thought about it from a different perspective.

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