Nessa is a 22-year-old college student. She goes to the same college as her best friend, Crow and her high school boyfriend, Derek. What happens when Nessa makes a big mistake on a stupid app?
Don't forget to foll...
My eyes open with the morning sun peering through my window. I rub my eyes as I yawn. I grab my phone and look at the time, 8 a.m. I don't have class until 10. Why can't my brain just let me sleep?
I sigh as I get up from my bed. I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth. I brush through my long, ruby hair before putting it into a braid. I look at myself in the mirror and notice the bags under my eyes. I quickly put on some concealer, mascara, and chapstick.
I walk out of my room and into the living room and kitchen area. I sigh once more as I notice the empty feeling in the apartment. I figured Derek and I would've moved in together by now, but he said that we have the rest of our lives to live together. While that is true, it still would be nice to fall asleep and wake up with my boyfriend.
I would've asked Crow to move in with me, seeing as how he's my best friend, but Derek shut that down pretty quickly when I talked to him about it. I always get the feeling that Derek just tolerates Crow. Derek never bad-mouths him or makes a scene about how we act together, but I can tell that he's slightly bothered anytime I even mention him.
I unlock my phone and go on snapchat. It's really the only thing I text through. I text Derek, knowing he's probably not even up yet, but I'd like to get breakfast with him. We haven't been on a date in a while, and I feel like it could be good for us.
Good morning, babe. Would you like to get breakfast with me? -N
How are you awake this early? -D
My brain doesn't like sleep, apparently. -N
Go back to bed, Ness. I'll get lunch with you this afternoon. -D
You of all people should know that once I'm up, I'm up. -N
I'm going back to sleep, Ness. You should too. I'll see you later. -D
Okay, I love you. Get some rest. -N
Love you. -D
I sigh as I put my phone down on the counter. I make myself a cup of warm coffee and sip on it. My phone buzzes next to me. I look at it and see a message from Crow.
Hey, you up yet, sleepy head? -C
Surprisingly, yes. -N
A new record! You're up before 9 or even 10 a.m. -C
Oh, piss off. 😂 -N
All jokes, Nessie 😂. Would you like to get some breakfast? -C
I'm kind of bummed right now. You know I've never been a morning person. -N
Breakfast is your favorite meal of the day, and the most important. Get ready, I'll be at your apartment in 15. -C
Alright, see ya in a bit. -N
I go back into my room, still sipping on my coffee. The caffeine is trying desparately to course through my veins, but I'm still exhausted. I open my wardrobe to look for an outfit. I want something cozy and warm. It's been snowing since I woke up. It probably snowed through the night.
I settle on a light blue tank-top, a black jacket, and a pair of black flannel pants. It seems pretty light, but I'm used to the bitter cold of Vermont, at least I should be by now. I've lived here my whole life.
I grab a matching set of sky blue colored undergarments. I take off my pajamas and put on my bra and underwear. I step in front of my mirror and decide to take a cutesy, yet sexy, picture for Derek. I know he's not awake yet, but at least he'll have something fun to wake up to.
I put on the rest of my clothes and look at my outfit. Even though it's not the cutest, I'm satisfied. I put on all of my many rings. I grab my gold locket from my bedside table. Derek got it for me for our one-year anniversary. It doesn't match the rest of my jewelry, but I love it regardless.
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I go back into the living room and plop on the couch. Crow should be here any minute now. I go onto snapchat and see that Derek opened my snap but didn't respond. I let out a deep sigh. Our sex-life has been kind of lackluster as of late. He's very vanilla, but he tries. . . somewhat. I barely go over to see him at his apartment either. Anytime I ask him if something's wrong, he just blames it on classes and stress. I know it's more than that, but I don't push.
"Knock, knock," Crow yells from behind the door.
I run over to the door and unlock it. I open it and greet Crow with a hug. He reciprocates the action before stepping inside. His raven hair is in a bed-headed mess, but it suits him. His honey-brown eyes look at me as I notice our outfits are slightly matching. Best friend telepathy.
"So, where are we going," I ask cheerfully.
"I was thinking we could go to our favorite place," he says with a smirk.
"The 80's themed diner," I practically squeel.
"Yes, that one. Let's go," he says as he rushes me out the door.
I've always loved the 80's themed diner. It's part of the reason I picked this college, but the main reason is because it's close to home. My mom used to take Crow and I to the diner when we were little kids.
Soon after, it became our place to go. We would bring my mom on occasion, but we would go after school as much as we could. I tried to get Derek to go with me once, but he turned me down. He said he didn't really see the point, which hurt my feelings and started a huge fight between us. It's dumb, but I just wanted him to be excited about something I was excited about for once.
"Nessie, you okay," Crow pulls me from my thoughts.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be," I say, pushing my feelings aside.
It's just then I realize we're already at the diner.
"Don't lie to me, Nessa."
The stern way he says my name stops my heart. He never says my name like that. It's usually Nessie, which I've grown very fond of. I used to hate it because of the Loch Ness monster, but Crow refused to stop with the nickname.
"What did that asshole do," Crow abruptly asks.
"Nothing. I swear. Why do you always assume it's Derek?"
"It usually is Derek, Nessa. Do you not remember the numerous times you showed up at my apartment in tears," he says harshly.
"Look," I sigh, "It's not Derek. Not exactly. Okay, it is, but it's not exactly a big deal. I'm probably just overthinking."