Chapter 50: Uncanny Encounter

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"Mr. Aizawa?" Curious blue eyes met with darker ones as Uviel gradually sat up. Concern was obvious on her face, for she wasn't expecting her teacher to come in and linger in the doorway.

"While you were unconscious, Kirishima ran to the school and told me about you. I thought you might have been taken control of; I guess not. Go ahead and get back to school, and attend the rest of your classes for the day. Your other teachers already know why you're not there, so there's no need to explain anything," A glance was given to Kirishima and the other students, excluding Haru, and the glint in his eyes nearly made them shiver. "Unless you have serious business with Saito and Yukimura, I suggest going back to your classes..." With a moment's pause, he glared at the kids and watched them awkwardly shift their feet, their reluctance only made him activate his quirk to intimidate them.

"I doubt you'd want extra homework tonight, so go back to your classes!" this time with a firm voice, Eijiro and Shinso both nodded with a little bit of unease on their faces and turned to the girls for a minute.

"We'll see you later, okay?" A toothy grin from the darker redhead made Uviel's cheeks burn like crazy, but he wasn't expecting a hesitant hug from the girl and couldn't help but return the favor.

"Okay... I will catch up to you guys soon, I need to ask Mr. Aizawa for permission and I think Har-Har needs to be distracted for a little while," her last words were softened at the mention of her best friend, the pain of seeing her in that state remained and it only kept the anger inside, not once did it lessen. However, it was more under control now, thanks to her soon-to-be Dad using his quirk to restrain her before.

They all soon nodded and helped Yukimura out of the room, concerned over her well-being was an understatement at this point. They were worried about her mental state, her status as a student, and her lifestyle change after her whole incident. Wani watched as the kids passed him, but followed when he saw that the brunette was being escorted very closely.

That brat, he's trying to get closer! Anger, and envy, the Crocodile growled at the sight of Shinso who was too close to her side, and tried to keep her focused on walking. However, a thought came to mind, making a smirk play at his lips and his feet move without hesitance.

Quickly, from behind and with his strong arms, he lifted her with a swift triumphant grin directed at Hitoshi. "I'll carry her to the school, don't fall too far behind me," amused, dominant, he was when he spoke and couldn't stop his smirk. A challenge has been issued, for he watched a heated glare shoot his way from the violet-haired boy and a confused look on Kirishima's face.

"What are you... Hey-!" before Eijiro could fully speak, with an outstretched hand he reached for the beefy Crock after he sprinted away from them in a rush. "Haha, you're so on!" Now it was his turn to smile, bright and full of energy he raced after them.

Shinso couldn't help but groan and give chase, if anything he hated how Kyoshi was, with his attempts to take her away from him. He wasn't kidding about what he said in that store! He'd do anything to get to her... He's too blunt for his own good. His thoughts, full of envy and frustration, echoed.

Back with Uviel, Aizawa never moved from his spot near Kamihara and lifted a curious brow. "Permission?" as calm as ever, he questioned. Now that they were alone, she felt she could ask them without too much trouble getting in the way.

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