Chapter Seven: Rogues

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"How dare you even touch me! Filthy mongrel!" She screamed at me. I got angry and my eyes started swirling red and gold.

"How dare I? HOW DARE I? You just attacked another Luna that had fairly won in a fight between you!" I yelled at her. She flinched slightly, but her glare remained firm.

"You don't scare me!" Ginny growled. My lips lifted in a snarl. I could feel that my canines had sharpened and grew longer.

"Do you want me to scare you?" I growled baring my teeth. I could my Alpha tone pushing through my voice, making Ginny want to submit.

She fought it, but I could see how much effort it took.

"You can't," she managed to growl. I felt my eyes blaze with rage, and my fist went back, before hitting Ginny in the face.

She cried out and stumbled backwards until she tripped and fell onto her ass. Her hand was held over her nose, but blood was seeping between her fingers.

I remember hearing a snap, and realize her nose is broken. She gasps in pain and stands again. I punch her stomach, and when she doubled over, I brought up my knee to meet her stomach again. Blood smeared across her face and chest, and most likely I was almost covered in it by now.

She coughed violently, spraying blood everywhere. On her hands and knees, she looked like a sick child. Ginny was determined though to prove that she wasn't scared of me.

I gave her a sick grin when she stood once I more, and kicked her thigh, hard. Though your femur is the strongest bone in the human body, my barefoot managed to snap it in half. She cried out in pain and fell, her broken leg no longer able to support her weight.

I walked over next to where her head was laying. I heard her start crying, and groaning in frustration that I had beaten her. When I leaned down next to her head, I saw her cringe away from me, but she couldn't move.

"Still sure I can't scare you bitch?" I asked with a sneer before punching the side of her head. Her head snapped to the side, and she blacked out.

I stood up and looked at her limp, beaten body. Bitch deserves what she got, I thought shaking my head. I suddenly hear a roaring growl, and when I look up, I see my warriors holding back her writhing mate. I had beaten him before, but he was livid with me for hurting his mate.

I smirked, and nodded for my warriors to let him go. He immediately jumps over the fenced upper part of the arena, and lands in front of me. He lets out an angry snarl before running straight at me.

I jump to the side and he flies past me. At the last second, I jumped and put an arm around his neck. I twist quickly, and his neck snaps. Unfortunately, I couldn't kill him or it would start a war. His neck was broken, but I didn't do it hard enough for his spinal cord to snap.

I rode his body to the ground, before standing up and looking at my bloody hands. This is going to take forever to get off, I thought with a sigh. Turning my attention back to the audience.

"These two need to be taken off my territory along with the rest of the Green Mountain Pack. You will be disqualified from the Games, and if my pack catches any one of you on my territory in two hours, they have orders to bring you straight to our cells. Now leave!" I growl with my Alpha voice.

The two leaders are carried, and dragged out of the arena. I quickly mind link Jackson to explain to him.

I am going to find Shade, you are in charge until I come back. I don't know how long I will be gone, but prepare for the worst. Was all I said before taking off running through the forest. I caught Shade's scent, it was starting to fade, meaning she had been gone for a good hour. I stripped out of my clothes and shifted into my new wolf.

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