Chapter Twenty-Four: Nightclub and Drink

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The nightclub was in full swing now that it was midnight. I got in line for the door, and waited for fifteen minutes before I could go in.

The bouncer stopped and asked for my ID. I smelled that he was a werewolf.

"Watch the way you speak to me," I growled using my Alpha voice. His eyes widened and he apologized quickly.

He let me in and I smiled at the smell of alcohol and the sound of loud music. I walled straight to the bar and sat down at one of the empty stools.

One of the bartenders had his back to me, so I coughed to get his attention.

The bartender turns around and I recognize his smell as a werewolf from Blake's pack. His eyes widen in recognition.

"Alpha?" he asks in surprise, quite loudly too. I glare him and quickly put a finger to my mouth.

"Shush!" I hiss.

"What are you doing here? Where have you been?" he whispered.

"I was busy, but I found Alpha Blake and he will be returning in a few days. He was injured but he is healing now. I am going to give up my title and give it to him," I tell him quietly.

"That is great news, but will you not still be our Luna?"

"No, something happened that I cannot talk about that makes Blake and I no longer mates," I confessed, shaking my head. Hearing the truth out loud made my heart break, but I knew I would get over it.

He seems to sense that I don't want to talk much more about it, and thankfully drops the topic.

"Is there anything I can get you for now?" He asks changing the subject.

"Two Salts and a bottle of vodka," I tell him. He nods and gets as I ask.

"Thanks, and please pass on this information to the Betas, but tell them to not mention a word to anyone else," I whisper. He nods quickly and moves on to the next customer.

I swallow both pills and chug the bottle. It goes down my throat like liquid fire, but I welcome the burning pain. I slam the empty bottle on the counter and wait as the Salts start to take effect.

My anger subsides and euphoria replaces it. A familiar smell suddenly hits my nose, and I turn to see Derek laughing with a group of guys.

I get up and walk over to him, the guys around him whistle at me as I walk up.

"Hey Derek, what are you doing here?" I ask him. He glares at the guy who nudges him with his elbows and winks.

"Guys, this is my sister, Raven," he introduces. I give a mock bow and wink at them.

"Mind if I borrow him for a moment?" I ask. They shake their heads and I take Derek over to the bar.

"So, what are you doing here?" I say sitting on a stool and ordering a beer. Derek already has his own, and I take a swig of mine.

"I'm a lone wolf, I can do whatever I want. I felt like coming to a club tonight, but what are you doing here? Last I checked you were the Alpha and Luna of the Silver Bloods Pack," he says with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm giving up my position because I found Blake, and I have business I have to deal with. So I will be giving him my position as Alpha, and I will no longer be mated to Blake due to some serious problems," I mumbled.

"That's some tough shit, well you should join us, get your mind off it," he says gesturing to his friends.

"Sure," I smile. I finish my beer and let Derek lead me over to his friends. There were four of them, all werewolves so they were also all tall, well built, and handsome.

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