Chapter Thirty-Seven: Flaming Stone

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I have my back to the camp still, and I am staring into the forest. I blocked out all noise, except for what I could hear near the compound.

I was straining my ears, only focusing on the sound of Hunters talking and bustling about, so when Shade calls out, it sounds far off and distant.

"Okay, everyone up, got to go," I hear her whisper yell. I snap out of my trance and hop down from the tree. I start packing up the bullets and some food.

Everyone else gets up and packs as well. When we were all finished, Shade brings out the map again. I see that we are 3 miles from the Main Frame.

Shade marks our current position, before putting the map away and signaling for us to go into the forest. We jump into the trees and start moving.

I watch Shade sign for Camryn to move back, and she motions for me to go up beside her. I give her a confused look, and she waves me up.

I shrug and run next to her. We dart through the forest, and several times I motion to Camryn and Aiden behind me a warning about a clearing in the trees.

I notice Loke was staying right behind Shade, and I couldn't help but feel that there was something off about the way he is acting.

'I think we go right, remember the map?' Shade signs to me. I shake my head and quickly move to the side before I face plant into a tree.

'But that is going to be the most heavily guarded area. We should go in from the back. The building is going to be in the middle of a clearing, and you are going to have about a minute to set up all the explosives,' I sign back.

I thought it was very neat how they had created almost a new language, it was secret too.

"Okay, you take lead, I am trusting you to get us there,' Shade nods to me. I return her nod and take a hard left when a smell hits my nose.

A patrol passes under us and I breathe a sigh in relief. I strain my ears for a sound, and realize that we are very close to the Main Frame.

I signal for the rest of the group to climb to the tops of the trees. I climb up quickly, and wait for them to do the same.

The Main Frame building was only a half mile away, and it towered over the trees. I pointed to a room at the very top.

'That is where the leader should be, that is his office," I motion to Shade. She nods in amazement, and observes the building.

This one was of steel and most likely silver, different from mine. Mine was completely made of silver and iron.

I signal to get back into the lower parts of the trees and keep moving. We swerve and break up several times to avoid patrols and gaps between trees.

When I caught sight of red under the trees, I motion for us to stop. Pointing to fingers at the ground, I sign for us to jump down.

Bloody and torn bodies surround us, Hunter's bodies. Shade turns to me and smiles.

"I only know one wolf that could do this," she says with a smirk, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I got a little worked up yesterday after your news," I whisper with a pointed look. Shade just nods sadly, before sighing and shaking her head.

"Did you know how close you were to the Main Frame?" Loke asks me in awe. I nod with a laugh.

"I'll give you a hint, don't get on Raven's bad side or you might just find your head ripped off," Shade laughs quietly.

Camryn and Aiden nod in agreement, and my lips curl nto a smirk.

Shade grabs the explosives from her backpack, and we all get out our guns. Shade had given me a few extra guns and some silencers in case we had trouble.

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