Chapter Twenty-One: Isolation

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Shade's and my snarls filled the room and made the ground shake. Zelda and Calypso let out their own thundering growls, making Blake cringe against my hand.

"Do you have anything to say?" I yelled slamming his body against the rough stone. He flinched, but his icy blue gaze held firm.

He opened his mouth, and I glared waiting for an answer, when he spit on my face. Blake bared his teeth at me in a sneer, and my restraint snapped.

Letting out a roar, I threw his body to the other side of the room. He grunted as he hit the wall, and slumped to the floor on hands and knees. Shade was instantly beside him, bringing her knee to his face.

Blake flipped onto his back, nose completely broken and crushed. I wiped the spit off my face and stalked towards Blake. He cradled his nose for a moment before heaving himself off the ground.

I met him as he stood with bared teeth. My fist smashed into his face, snapping and dislocating his jaw. He howled in pain and his head flew into the stone behind him from the impact.

Blood dribbled from the corners of his lips, and his eyes fluttered shut for a moment. They opened again, brighter than before and filled with anger. Blake released a throaty growl and leaped at me.

I spun around in a roundhouse kick straight to his chest. Shade was there holding her arm out, waiting for him. Blake flew backwards but his shoulders caught Shade's outstretched arm.

His body flipped, and his face hit the ground hard. I locked an arm around his neck, and heaved him to a standing position. Shade punched him in the gut, making his body convulse.

I kneed his side, and dropped his body to the ground after hearing a satisfying crack. Blood covered Blake and he tried to push himself off the ground once more.

"You really need to learn when to give up," Shade chuckled beside me. I gave her a deadly grin and sent another spinning kick towards Blake.

He was struggling to his feet on his hands and knees, but my kick hit his face and he fell to the ground. I wrapped a hand around his neck, and slowly picked him up off the ground.

Most of the energy had left his body, but his eyes still burned bright with anger. My claws dug into his throat, and blood quickly covered my hands.

Shade slashed open his shoulder, and I gave her a malicious grin. The cheetahs chirped happily, and I tilted my head to the side.

"You better hope you die quickly," I growled at him. Pawsteps and shouts suddenly filled the tunnels, they sounded like they belonged to our mothers.

I saw my mother run towards me out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn't make out what she was yelling. My burning red eyes were trained onto Blake's blue ones.

I clenched my hand into a fist and watched the life slowly begin to leave Blake's face. Suddenly I felt something prick my neck.

I became tired, but I fought against it. Shade dropped to the ground beside me, and I growled angrily, and squeezed my hand tighter.

Blake let out a strangled growl, and I felt another prick on my neck. My grip on Blake loosened slightly, and I felt my body start to sway.

"No!" I growl shaking my head.I planted my feet firmly on the ground and focused only on Blake. Black spots appeared at the corner of my vision as I readjusted my grip on his neck.

A third time something pricked my neck, and I swayed violently. I dropped Blake and fell to the ground, hard. Violet eyes came into view, and I thought I felt something stroke my hair.

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